870 youth gonna get his first chance at a hog Sat morning


Active member
Feb 27, 2002
I just spoke to a ranch about 2 hours from here about a hog hunt. the cal hunt was so much fun it got my blood pumping to take him. I have got reservations for Sat morning, I am gonna take a rifle but my weapon of choice will be a video camera until he gets his. They have stand hunting, as well as dog hunting we are gonna try the stand first and if that doesnt work we will do dogs in the afternoon. The biggest thing that he has killed so far is a squirrel so I am hoping he gets his hog. If he gets a big boar I am gonna mount and hang it in his room. If not I will get a second one and fill the freezer. I will post pics when we get home and for those of you I know I will carry video in the truck. Wish him luck 31.5 hours and counting.
Cool, lucky sucker!! I wish I was going hunting Saturday. That's cool that you are going to video until he kills one. Good luck to both of you!! Try to post some pictures if ya get some!!
That's great, Tim! I can't wait for my little guy to get bigger. I'm picking him up a youth model .22 Henry lever action tomorrow, but he won't get to use it for a couple of years yet. Best of luck to your son, and to you!

Let us know how them Eastern hogs taste compared to the the Western ones. ;)
where are you going ???? central florida ???? with who ?????
good luck to you guys! if for some reason he doesnt get one lemme know!
thanks for all the good luck wishes and if i do get something i will show pictures dko my dad will send the link when we get back but its over near perry I am going to try out dads new 308
Thats cool Tim .. You and chris have a great time......

Hey chris you said "i am only 10 i dont spell very good but here i am "

DOnt worry about it Moosie is only like 26 and cant spell and I am almost 40 and cant spell.....

The rest of the guys can spell but they cant HUNT

i have a long story and a short story. for those who only care about the bottom lineill give both.

short story****** killed 3 had a blast.

long story***** we stopped at a motel last, i wont recomend that place to anyone.got up at 4:30 to be in a stand by 6.we sat there for 3 and a half hours and didnt even hear a grunt.the guide came back and told us lets walk so he started walking us around and showing us the area, suddenly the brush near us started moving and we pushed my son up for a shot, he was using his .243 single shot so i was ready if he missed and he did, the pig ran out and was out of sight then the bushes went crazy and 7 more came scattering in every direction.he shot , i shot and i popped one right in the left hindquarter.the pig was just hobbling down the road so i tried to let chris shoot it by the time he saw it it was into the brush. we search for 45 mins and couldnt find it so we went to get the dogs, our guide said if hes alive the dog will find him but if hes dead it will walk on by.i told him i thought he would go lay up somewhere but i didnt think he would die today from the shot.we walked back to the last place we saw the pig and cut one dog loose, 5 minutes he barked once and ken said he found it let go of the other dog.by the time we got there both dogs had the pig by the ears and sure enough it was mine. he had buried himself in some briars so thick i couldnt get into them.ken and my son crawled into the briars AND MY SON KILLED WITH A KNIFE.that was really cool.it took us about 2 hours in95 degree weather so get this pig out to the road and ken suggested we leave it in the shade and go get my truck instead of dragging it through all that mess.this turned out to be a 75 pound sow.we hopped in my truck and headed to pick up the pig.i saw this black and white thing coming down the road and i showed ken that another one of his dogs was outas it got closer we saw it was a small pig then a big boar hopped out in the road with him, chris was in the backed of the truck talking to his mom on the cell phone because he was on such a rush from the knife kill.he didnt have time to get his gun so i took a shot < with my wife still on the phone,lol>and im ashamed to say i missed:mad: big boar ran little pig just stood around, remember this little guy.since we had seen one really big boar i told chris to put away the .243 and use the .308 whileswapped over to my .300 mag. we rode down a little more and came up to 2 big boars just walking in the road , i couldnt seem to get a shot today that wasnt from behind.I got one of these boars in the butt too, he was spinning around in the road like a bull in a rodeo.i told chris to take a shot and finish him but this big guy was just moving to fast for him to keep up.of all places for this pig to go he went straight into a ground blind, the other boarwas running in and out of it trying to figure out what happened to his buddy so i told chris to go ahead and get him too.he shot once and missed and the boar had enough and took off.ken ran up and slammed the door on that ground blind and i asked chris if he wanted to finish this one for me too so i handed him a 9mm and he looked like a veteran, he just stuck his arm over the blind popped him in the head and handed me the pistol, looked like something john wayne would have done this guy turned out to be a little over 125.we turned around and who do we see but our old buddy mr. little pig. i told chris if he wanted to get that one all on his own he could but i wasnt shooting anymore. he wanted to use the 243 but i told him to use the 308 it was loaded and in his hand so, bang he missed, the dog comes out of no where and bays him up another shot and a miss the piggy gets around the dog and heads to water chris and the dog get on him again all the while we are yelling at chris to aim lower and get his shot away from the dog bang heart shot pretty as you have ever seen. this pig flipped over and rolled back into the water when we told chris it was dead he just jumped in the dang water and drug his pig out and most of the way up the hill by himself so basiclly I slowed down 2 hogs and he killed 3, thats his story anyway.so we head to the skinning rack which is inside a gate across the street. while hes skinning them he explains to us that the side we were on was a 600 acre exotic ranch with trophy whitetial, tika, fallow and axis deer and that the place is so overrun with axis that they were shooting does for 200 bucks guarantee kill.i said man i wish you told me that this morning, so he let me take chris through in the truck and we got to video some axis and a whitetail, all does but that is the closest look hes ever had at a live deer.the name of this place is sandhill ranch and we had a great time.i think axis does might be on the list next, anyone wanna join us. :D
Wow, that's awesome Tim!! Congrats 870, you da man!! Way to bring home the bacon!! Glad you two had fun. Sounds like your a good dad Tim. Do you mind if I ask you what that cost??
TIM and 870, KUDOS !!!! Sorry I missed the "GOOD LUCKS" but I caught ya on the "CONGRATS" at least !!!! LOOKS like you didn't need my good lucks for ya anyways.

Sounds like a BLAST !!!!!!!
thanks everybody. tk the cost was 140 per kill.they had a daily use fee of 35 dollars.they dont have a daily fee for kids up to 18 so get your butt to florida and lets go :eek:
hey guys, sorry it took me so long to post. i am still waiting on the pics hope to git them soon. i woned to use the 243 but my dad wanted me to use the 308 and i was surprised when i shot i didnt feel it. :D

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