4th grade spelling bee.... He didn't win... :( OR DID HE ??!!


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So here it goes... Race to One soccer game.. then another, then we meet at the Highschool and I grab the 2 youngest as my wife signs in Oscar for the contest and I race them home for naps.... I call Grandma to watch them, then Race back. Parade slows me down but after crossing someones lawn (It will grow back) I made it before Oscar started to spells words...

He hits his words as the top kids from ALL the schools are going toe to toe. Some bail out so My kids not the first. Thats always good ;)

So round 2 he gets up there... The word is Colonist. He says the word, Spells the word, And We clap ... but... Wait, He spelt it wrong !!! WTF ? They said it was Colonists with a Friggin (S) at the end. I'm like BS !! I felt like the Freaky parent that is obsessed with their kids winning and I'm about to rush the stage. But Little "O" feels worse. MAN, The ache in my side for him was tough. He's been studying and Mom and me have been helping him,,,

So they go back to a GRANDMAS room were the kids get prizes and cookies and I peak in and he's sad but he's OK.

I go get him and My wife is LIVID ! No one heard (S) at the end, but a rule is a rul so we start walknig to the vehicles. Then Vicki said, You should contest it. I'm like.... "I should". We look in the rule package and I can do it. If I feel there was an Error made I can do it before the next round.

So I race back in, Talk to the GRANDMAS to get the Official person and they call them out. I argue my case and the dictionary comes out. The word on the practice sheet says Colonists but I argue again. LOOK it up, He didn't pronounce it right, no one heard it, My boy spelt Friggin Colonist and said Colonist. If it has an (S) you should have told him.

So now I'm feeling like a Wack parent job, fighting for their kid and argueing with the judges. (He lost Mr Moose, go home and forget about it !!!) But I can't, what do I have to loose ? They said it doesn't matter and I stuck my ground. Finally, they gather around and get out the Webster dictionary and the word isn't in there. They huddle up and...... HE's BACK IN FOLKS !!!!!

Fetchin A !!!! I knew he was going to miss the next word but thats OK, I fought for my kids rights and won... ROUND 2 starts with an anouncement that Oscar Williamson is now back in due to a mistake on the spelling boards part !!!!!!!

NOW, the next word is Reptile !!!! BANG, Correct !!!! Alphabet, BANG CORRECT !!!! HE's now top 15. If he can make the top 10 that would be AWESOME !!!

INACCURATE as a word and...... and.... top 6 !!!!! HE's now in the top 6 of all he compeeting schools !!! They set out 5 chairs and when he mispells one he is still labled as top 6 and get's some prizes.

He is now top 2 !!! Word is "Quarantine". He misses it.....:( BUT........ the other guy has to get it right and.... DOESN'T !!!!

The next word is Dissapear and the other guy misses it. Oscar get's it. ALL he has to do now is Spell one more word right and He just won.....

"FRUGAL" is the word..... !!!!

A $100 bill, a Huge Trophy and a New dictionary and Thesaraus and the Happiest Friggin Parents in that room !!!!

Now , they Specifically said NO PICTURES DURRING the contest but I whipped out that camera and Started taking pictures like I was working a Bikini model show :) Wife has Oscar in Town but I'll upload a picture later.


(PS, We also has Soccer this morning {The team I coach} and yesterday evening and won both games to top off the season with no Loss's. Since I'm in Bragging mode I figured I'd share !!!!!)
Nice job lunatic parent. ;) Tell Oscar congratulations....excellent job!!!
Yeah, what a freak job that Moosie is! Congrats to the little man for the great spelling bee win. I bet the other parents of the losing kids are livid now! Maybe he can rub some of that off on his old man..........

Is FRUGAL in Moosie's bank of vocabulary words? I don't think so......
Frugal ? Please use that in a sentence.


"Moosie was Frugal when he only spent $2,700 on the Spotting scope when his buddy T-bone drew a sheep tag and didn't buy the extra $300 camera attachment".

congrats to lil O !

and a big "sorry bout dat" to him for having the wacko parents.
I bet he can fight though....he has to, with the way the other kids are gonna tease him about his parents.
Congratulations to Lil'O.. Wait a minute.. A spelling contest and he won? Does he look like you? I'm happy for child and parents..

Well, I don't feel bad about making it a big deal I guess. They actually sent me away twice before they brought me in front of the Judges to discuss it. At any rate, It was Oscar that came out spelling the words. If he just had Whiny parents he would have been out right away instead of making it to the Last man standing.

My picture taking was no good though. I had been coaching soccer all day taking alot of fast outside pictures and never changed the settings. All the inside pictures came out bad. I will post one though just for fun :


When we got home, we took a picture of everything that was in the bag when he lost the first time, and then the trophy and the books and $100 Bill he got at the end.



He should be in the Paper tomorrow as the "GRAND SPELL MASTER" with a picture and a caption. I'll be out bear baiting but when I'm back I'll hopefully find a copy !!

NOW he has 2 more weeks untill they count all the final points in School for reading. There is someone hot on his tail but I think he might make it. Everyone in school is in A.R. and they get points after taking a test after reading a book. Since 1st grade he's gotten 1st place in his grade in the School. Top point earner. Comes with a Trophy and a $50 bill. He's bringing more money home this month in reading then dad is working ;) Usually top in the school but this year one 5th grader is ahead of him. This year will be # 4 if he can Pull it off. He's busy reading right now to take a test on Monday..... More about that in 2 weeks whether he makes it or no.t :D
Congrats!!! Now just don't go chasing the judges/umpires into the parking lot with a Lousville Slugger!!! :D
Moosie I would of done the same thing. That was BS and obviously he was the best speller. Tell him congrats.
Congrats to Lil O!

There's a rulebook for spelling bees?!?

Not a rulebook per say, but a couple page rule pamphlet that explains the rules etc. I know, we’re parent freak nerds for knowing that and actually contesting the ruling. But I’m OK with that. I’m just hoping he doesn’t have an Asterisk by his name that says *Because Parents fought the system.

Although I think Oscar is smart, I’m not going to say he was the best speller up there. One thing I thought was unfair to the others is sometimes the word would be “officious” and the next word would be “igloo”. They honestly said some words I had no clue what they meant even after I heard them in a sentence and heard the definition. I think Oscar did well and did have to spell the word the 2nd place kid missed and another one but some of the kids got a hard wrap in the word pick.

At any rate, I was proud that he just made it to the Spelling Bee. Good times and good memories. Now he jsut has to Pass his Hunters Education Class I'm signing him up for and the good times will roll :D
Moosie, isnt it a rule, when you are not sure of the word's intention/use....to ask them to use it in a sentence?
probably be a good idea for him to do that next time.

congrats again to him.
You are correct as usualy JB.

....but, he knew the word, definition, intention and it's use. They didn't, and thats why he got let back in.:p

We actually told him to request the use in a sentence each time before spelling it but he never did. Don't worry JB, I beat him like a red headed step child and made him drink just water and eat crackers for a week after wards for not listening, I'm sure thats what I'm supposed to do ;)
You are correct as usualy JB
He obviously gets his talents from the other fork of the family tree...

Congrats to the little Mooseman...he'll be off to "collage" before you know it. ;)
I beat him like a red headed step child and made him drink just water and eat crackers for a week after wards for not listening

you should of beat him till he was pissin blood.....but if you want to spoil the kid with water and cracker's, thats your problem.

He obviously gets his talents from the other fork of the family tree...
yes, the other fork is loaded with the talent........and a couple of um have purty mouth's.


No forfeit for spelling bee winner
By Marlene Terry Posted: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 8:13 AM EDT More news »

[email protected]

NAMPA — There were just about as many signed up this year as last for the fourth annual Fourth Grade Spelling Bee sponsored by the Nampa Woman’s Century Club (NWCC). And despite the effort needed to get to the Little Theater at Nampa High School on time on Saturday — parents, grandparents, teachers and friends alike, navigated the heavy traffic supporting Parade America in downtown Nampa and arrived with their rooting skills still intact.

And root they did for their favorite of the 40-plus students chosen to represent their classes and schools in the stress-filled competition that pitted what they knew about how words are put together against how they sound and what first impulses might prompt them to do.
There were plurals of words, past tenses of words and homophones — words that sound exactly the same but have totally different meanings and are spelled differently, as well. And even though the spelling lists of a year ago were edited to take out words deemed too easy for the spelling bee, the kids virtually flew through the first two rounds with only a few eliminated — mostly because students failed to exercise all their options.

Rules stated that before competitors took a crack at spelling each word, they could choose to ask that the word be repeated; request a definition of the word to be read to them and last but not least, ask that the word be used in a sentence. Once those options were exercised, however, the ball was in the speller’s court and every rule had to be followed and was strictly enforced. Just neglecting to repeat the word twice — once before the word was spelled and again after the spelling was completed — ended the hopes of victory for two of the participants.

A break mid-stream gave everyone a rest and a chance to take a deep breath before the third round began and the really tough words surfaced. Suddenly students were scratching their heads and thinking deeply about how to spell words such as “facilitate, ambrosia, quarrel and possess” — words with those nasty double letters. Which words had them and which letters were doubled? There were also words with the ie/ei rule. And the wrong choice about how those and other rules applied, steadily dwindled the number of contestants remaining on the chairs on stage.
In the end two finalists, both boys — unlike a year ago when the winning field was dominated by girls — took on a final round word “quarantine.” Tension filled the air as Oscar Williamson of Park Ridge Elementary spelled the word with an incorrect “i” in place of one of the “a’s.” Family members and friends gasp and held their breath. Then it was Caleb Howard’s (West Canyon Elementary) turn. He missed the word, too.

What turned out to be the deciding round of this year’s competition began with Oscar’s correct spelling of the word, “disappear,” Caleb was then given the word “frugal” and missed it. Oscar who was obviously sure of the spelling — you could tell by the smile on his face — nailed the word and stood on the verge of victory if he could correctly spell one last word.

“Your word for the championship of this year’s spelling bee is “forfeit,” said the event’s emcee Dan Black.
And if Oscar had asked for a definition of the word, he would have found that forfeit means something that is lost or surrendered — neither of which he experienced when he correctly spelled the word, was named the winner of the spelling bee and took home a trophy, dictionary /thesaurus combo and crisp $100 bill.

Other top winners who were awarded medals and $20 each included: sixth place, Kade Sanders of Roosevelt Elementary; fifth place, Kaylee Lemos of East Canyon Elementary; fourth place, Reina Alvarado of East Canyon Elementary; third place, Emma Campbell of Central Canyon Elementary and second place, Caleb Howard.
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