22 million BLM acres for development?

Where did I say me, for starters?

Yes, when you work for land management agencies, you don't have a choice but to abstain from issues you're directly involved with. Sort of a sad deal, even though it's understandable, because IMO/E the very people that know the most are not allowed to participate. Even commenting as a member of the public is walking a line. Once again, because of people like you. There's an armchair quarterback behind every issue.

I will comment on some BLM issues, State Land issues, GF proposals, but if it's a FS issue, not so much. One project we've worked on with habitat improvements in the Bighorn Mountains the past 3-4 years, I have totally abstained from that whole project. I have nothing to do with it. Same with the local LAVA project, haven't even submitted personal comments, won't do it.

Also, you do realize how boards work?

So again, YOU buzz who works for tge fs cannot comment on blm land use, on any of the forums we both belong too?

Because you, a fs employee is currently working on this blm proposal?

I'm fine if that's your statement, but the thousands? of posts you've made on land issues both blm and fs, seem to contradict that. Imagine the confusion.

I find it odd? that the groupBHA, both locally and nationally use public comment periods to creature pressure, haven't mentioned this. April isn't too far off, especially for people whovdudntvknowctgere was one
Before whatnot blows a gasket, the Wyoming Chapter has been involved in the Rock Springs RMP for at least 7 years.
And nearly none of your membership had any idea, mainly because you didn't tell them. I'm sure none of them care about public land
So again, YOU buzz who works for tge fs cannot comment on blm land use, on any of the forums we both belong too?

Because you, a fs employee is currently working on this blm proposal?

I'm fine if that's your statement, but the thousands? of posts you've made on land issues both blm and fs, seem to contradict that. Imagine the confusion.

I find it odd? that the groupBHA, both locally and nationally use public comment periods to creature pressure, haven't mentioned this. April isn't too far off, especially for people whovdudntvknowctgere was one
Depends on the BLM issue, for the second time now. Not sure why you're having a hard time comprehending that.

Also, for the second time now, bandwidth for a local chapter of VOLUNTEERS for any org, is pretty limited with the mountains of issues out there.

Even at a national level, there isn't the bandwidth for any one org to tackle every issue. Further, even if they have the time, money, and talent to do so, there are confines to how much they can do.

I hope your comments were more carefully crafted about those 700,00 acres than your cryptic posts here.
And nearly none of your membership had any idea, mainly because you didn't tell them. I'm sure none of them care about public land

"They" should have gotten the memo.

Just sayin'...

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Depends on the BLM issue, for the second time now. Not sure why you're having a hard time comprehending that.

Also, for the second time now, bandwidth for a local chapter of VOLUNTEERS for any org, is pretty limited with the mountains of issues out there.

Even at a national level, there isn't the bandwidth for any one org to tackle every issue. Further, even if they have the time, money, and talent to do so, there are confines to how much they can do.

I hope your comments were more carefully crafted about those 700,00 acres than your cryptic posts here.

It literally took me 30 sec to copy and paste the comment link.

Give it a rest, the WHY of why BHA is silent on this one, is well known.

Too bad they can't get past there jerseys, a lot of guys liked the idea of non traditional org people(college kids, non consumptives, etc) joining in the fight. But after years of coincidence pointing at a jersey, the obvious is obvious.


If you don't want heat when BHA looks partisan as hell, don't give heat otherwise. You've never been shy
It literally took me 30 sec to copy and paste the comment link.

Give it a rest, the WHY of why BHA is silent on this one, is well known.

Too bad they can't get past there jerseys, a lot of guys liked the idea of non traditional org people(college kids, non consumptives, etc) joining in the fight. But after years of coincidence pointing at a jersey, the obvious is obvious.


If you don't want heat when BHA looks partisan as hell, don't give heat otherwise. You've never been shy
Meh, it's not the critics that count...or something along those lines.
List of orgs that submitted a joint scoping comment March 1st, of last year

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Colorado Wildlife Federation
Fly Fishers International
Idaho Wildlife Federation
National Deer Association
National Wildlife Federation
Nevada Wildlife Federation
North American Grouse Partnership
The Nature Conservancy
The Wildlife Society
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited National Leadership Council – Native Trout Workgroup
Trout Unlimited National Leadership Council – Responsible Mining and Energy Workgroup
Wyoming Wildlife Federation

Public Comments​

Your comments matter! BLM wants members of the public to contribute their expertise and insights to NEPA analyses. However, NEPA is a structured framework that only allows for consideration of substantive comments on draft Environmental Analyses and Environmental Impact Statements. If you plan on submitting a comment, use the following guidelines so your comment is considered substantive and is carefully considered:

  • Questions the accuracy of information in the EIS or EA.
  • Questions the adequacy of, methodology for, or assumptions used for the environmental analysis.
  • Presents new information relevant to the analysis.
  • Presents reasonable alternatives other than those analyzed in the EIS or EA.
  • Provides information which would cause changes or revisions in one or more of the alternatives.
While non-substantive comments may be received and acknowledged, the NEPA process is not the best venue to express general support or opposition to a proposal. Comments that are not considered substantive include the following.

  • Comments in favor of or against the proposed action or alternatives without reasoning that meet the criteria listed above (such as “we disagree with Alternative Two and believe the BLM should select Alternative Three”).
  • Comments that only agree or disagree with BLM policy or resource decisions without justification or supporting data that meet the criteria listed above (such as “more grazing should be permitted”).
  • Comments that don’t pertain to the project area or the project (such as “the government should eliminate all dams,” when the project is about a grazing permit).
  • Comments that take the form of vague, open-ended questions.
  • Comments directed at the Administration or President of the United States.
List of orgs that submitted a joint scoping comment March 1st, of last year

Backcountry Hunters and Anglers
Colorado Wildlife Federation
Fly Fishers International
Idaho Wildlife Federation
National Deer Association
National Wildlife Federation
Nevada Wildlife Federation
North American Grouse Partnership
The Nature Conservancy
The Wildlife Society
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
Trout Unlimited
Trout Unlimited National Leadership Council – Native Trout Workgroup
Trout Unlimited National Leadership Council – Responsible Mining and Energy Workgroup
Wyoming Wildlife Federation
Local Chapters of BHA (see link to MT Chapter's comments here) also got involved at the state scoping meetings as well, and submitted their own comments. I have absolute faith that BHA and all the other orgs will step up and continue to do what they do best, regardless of what @whatnot thinks they are or are not doing for him.

Maybe instead of an annual membership fee you should get involved.

Also, for the record, I'm not a "director" of anything, I'm a board co-chair.

Further, 3 of our small chapter board are also in a position professionally that they have no choice but to abstain from these types of issues. Mainly because of people like you.

Even though it's been pointed out several times, this is a multi-state issue and really in the wheelhouse of the National Orgs. I don't expect the local RMEF, DU, etc. chapters to be dealing with this particular issue.
Seems like this might be more in the wheelhouse of TRCP. They appear to be pretty on top of this kind of stuff. I got a “call to action” email recently from them regarding BLM land use and was happy to oblige. I asked our state rep about the articles posted by the OP.

**Disregard hossblur beat me to it**
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Written comment deadline is end of April. There's an election this year, this is a fair subject to ask about.
SMDH - I actually agree with @hossblur on this.

Y'all can go here and work through the comment process. (Thanks to the "third rail" of HT for getting me this link.) You will have to bounce around the twisties on the left to view the docs and comment. You can sign up for virtual public meeting or attend a live one. The "Participate Now" button will jump your straight to the comments. I at least intent to put down my beer long enough to go through the docs before I comment.

IMHO - If you haven't gone through these steps, you are not tall enough to get on this ride. Just pay your $35 annual dues to your .org of choice and STFU.

In the time this little dick measuring contest has run, y'all could have read the first 150 pages of the 1500 pages of proposals and appendices, and maybe made public comments.

I will reach out to my Members of Congress, but I expect they will do what the American Farm Bureau pays them to do on this. Sweet Dulcinea, it's exhausting tilting at that windmill.
BTW - Put down your measuring tapes and read this thread from @Sytes

28 Million acres could be removed from protection in Alaska. But who cares, it's Alaska. None one in Utah will lose a dirt bike trail over it.
Absolutely, there will be cleanup cost with anything- Solar, wind, O&G, nuclear. I think we should start including those costs in the projections. Mostly we are ignoring the sins of our fathers because no one wants to pay.

Solar is pretty competitive on a stand alone basis, but hard to measure because all power rates are controlled and subsidized in some way. I’m sure that BLM lease wouldn’t be free, but like grazing rights probably not fair market rate.

If I am honest, if climate continues on current trend, we are done as a society. People in FL can’t afford homeowners insurance because insurers can’t reinsure the risk and still make a return. All disaster relief will fall on the state which will then ask the federal government. That has to go through appropriations and our current politics show we can’t agree on anything. It will just be a matter of time before states don’t want to pay for other states’ “problems”. Dominoes falling…
Now hang on, before we let Florida go to the sea we need a contingency for St. Mark’s powder. Anyone who enjoys using ball powder needs to understand the importance of St. Mark’s powder.
Sweet Dulcinea, it's exhausting tilting at that windmill.
Yet we must tilt away. It is what we do.

But I actually think it is fair to (constructively) ask and consider what org might help out here. I'd also encourage those that are worried that their org of choice isn't doing enough to reach out to the volunteers that serve on the boards of those orgs and let them know that this is something that you care about. Don't just pay $35 and "STFU." Speak up! Those volunteers do their best to try and address the many attacks that are coming at them from all directions. BHA is particularly in a tough place because their mission encompasses so much, so it is that much more important to actually reach out to those orgs and let them know that, as a member, this matters to you.

It is beyond silly to say "I hate this group and won't volunteer with them because even though 80% of what they do I support, their volunteers with other day jobs can't show up to do the other 20% I care about. I'm going to spit on every single thing they even try to do from now on." How does this help the cause?
I pulled this map from this article.

View attachment 312448

States with the most green are Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming. Montana doesn't look to be impacted at this time.
Well let’s hear it for Nevada, huh?! Way to step it up for our great nation.
Local Chapters of BHA (see link to MT Chapter's comments here) also got involved at the state scoping meetings as well, and submitted their own comments. I have absolute faith that BHA and all the other orgs will step up and continue to do what they do best, regardless of what @whatnot thinks they are or are not doing for him.

I was just told by a credible source this was a national issue and outside the wheelhouse of states.
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