Caribou Gear Tarp

2010 Pronghorn pics

Cool pics, only 2 more weeks to go. My gun is all dialed in and ready to rock and roll. Got a sheep tag I've got to fill next week though. :) Got the unit all scouted and the rams dialed in so w'ell see what happens, then off to Wyoming. When it rains it pours I guess, going to be a busy September for sure.
I nominate Van Franke for poster of the year.
This thread is awesome.
Can't wait to see one of these guys on the ground.
Those are big shoes to fill with all the great posts on hunttalk and they just keep getting better everyday. Im glad you guys enjoy the pics, I ve had alot of fun taking them and the camera deffiantly gets me out more. Hopefully something will be hitting the ground soon. I probly wont make it back to NE for a while, have to get everything ready for WY in two weeks, CO the week after and then hopefully they will be rutting hard still and I can have a NE buck chase me before I leave for elk hunting.

Thanks again guys this website is highly addicting and its great to meet people that share the same interest. Hardcore do it yourself hunting. Later guys.
I was hoping to have pictures of my freak in his final resting place, but I have to wait awhile longer. I really dont want to have him shipped and the guy that was suppose to pick him up didnt make it over the mountain. I might have to take a 12 hour road trip to get him. The wait is killing me.
I'm in GJ and I usually get to Denver once a month, but I'll probably not be over there until mid-October now. I'd be happy to haul him over if he's still here next time I go, if you could make it to Denver.
One more dead one.. a few more to come this fall. I hope to have a photos or two with 3 dead ones within a week from Wyoming, then my sister's MT buck in October.
That is a great animal. Great photos too. Not very often do hunters take the time to clean them up, setup the picture, get the camera low and take great pics. Getting the horns up in the sky is a great way to make sure they show up really well. Way to finish the hunt by capturing the memory. Good luck in WY it looks to be a great year.

I havent gotten out this week, been trying to get everything packed for my WY hunt.
Backcountry hope youve got your sheep and a story to tell. I know your excited for WY. Good luck guys
Sept 24
Its 11:00 and finally packed and ready to get up early and drive to wyoming. The next fourteen days will be filled with goat chasing fun or 3 dead antelope whichever comes first. Best of luck to everyone.. Later.
Good luck, Van. I suspect some antelope are unaware that their days are numbered. Will be some cool pics to see when you return, I am sure of that.
Hope you and your two amigo's do well can't wait to see the pics and read the story. Drive safe and I'll talk to you when you get back.:cool:
Just got back from WY and it was unbelievable. Took some nice bucks and grace took a monster with so much freak stuff going on. It is by far her biggest buck ever, and will be hard for her to top. It was a great week with tons of pics taken. We were seeing an amazing amount of bucks and passed quite a few upper 70s bucks for grace. Wy is deffiantly in the plans for 2011. Its late and Im after CO pronghorn in the morning so I will get pictures posted as soon as I can. Later
That's awesome, can't wait to see pictures.
I liked your write up in Eastman's too, well done.
I haven't seen the Eastman's article yet, I think I'm more excited to see the Wyo pics. You guys deffinately slayed them this year. May just have to put this on my list next year as well!

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