2 elk mistakenly killed in Wisconsin

Heck we used the term slow moving Elk Back in the 60's when Pa'
told us Javelina were greased pigs that never bathed!Caught a bunch of Em'! 🔥 008.jpg
People that grow up in different parts of the country are raised different when it comes to wildlife. In Montana and other western states where we have such a vast difference in wildlife it's almost second nature to us to identify different species and are so used to it that we don't even think twice. Now I haven't sat in the midwest in a tree stand with no snow on the ground before so I can't say what was going through her head but, obviously she made a mistake and reported it so I'll give her some credit. To the fact of her accidentally shooting 2 it happens more times than one thinks. Especially on spikes and cows when it comes to elk.

In regards to the DB from MT he can pack sand and I hope he drops the soap, cause he's just a effn moron.

Merry Christmas
I grew up hunting in Montana and I, for example, have never laid eyes on a Caribou but if I'm sitting in my Whitetail stand and a Caribou walked by I feel like I could recognize that it is not, in fact, a Whitetail....idk.
I agree 100%, dislike it more and more every year.
Yeah, the only time I’ve ever heard gun make a “zip” noise was during WI rifle season. Until that moment I’d thought rifles only ever went “pow.” I guess maybe that’s why deer don’t always immediately head for the next county after being shot at and missed.
It wasn’t that long ago that a guy shot a horse in Wisconsin during deer season. To make matters worse it was being ridden by someone in full blaze orange.

Was just going to post about this one....
A black angus was shot on a guided hunt for mule deer on a CO RFW property about 10-12 years ago. He paid market price for the beef.
Not certain if the guide still works there.
My game warden friend started asking questions about cows once. Had to pry it out of him but he finally let me know a guy shot a charlois cow having a calf. Guy was ex military and kept saying he identified his target and shot. Lol. The warden finally laughed and told him, he obviously couldn't identify much but shot anyway.