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100 chukar a season vs a trophy big game animal.

I have shot some very fine big game trophies including a couple of 350s" elk, but I never was fanatical about it. Just a meat hunter who happened to run into some nice ones. But nothing compares to hunting birds with dogs. If a hundred chukars is 12.5 daily limits per year, I would, in normal years, shoot as many or more daily limits of three pheasants. Usually about eight daily limits of honkers per season before they're gone. I always have a deer tag to fill and, except for this past season, usually fill it with a nice buck. But I don't devote more than a couple days to deer hunting. I'd much rather spend my time getting more shooting at birds and enjoying my dogs. No comparison to a one shot deal for a buck.
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Hands down days of bird hunting may be enjoyable like sunsets but those opportunities at once in a lifetime hunts where it’s all on the line really stick in the memory bank. I’d go sheep deer elk all day and fill in the holes with some birds. If anyone wants I will trade a Chukar honey hole for a sheep tag, just say the word.
I’ve never chukar hunted. But when I look at some of you guys and your chukar hunting pics, I’ll fully admit I’m likely not in good enough shape to even see 100 chukar in a season, let alone kill them 🤣 Probably have to take too many recovery days in between hunts.

A sheep would be my holy grail no matter what else you compared to it. Like chukar hunting, but you only have to find and kill one.
I say it all the time, if I had to choose between big game and bird hunting, bird hunting hands down. As I get older, killing isn't near as much of a goal anymore, but walking a field with buddies, watching dogs work, thats heaven. I can backpack the mountains and get 95% of the elk hunting experience, not sure how you can replicate a day of watching dogs work wild birds
takes many days in the field to harvest 100 chukars, and lots of dog power ,
@Hunting Wife its not uncommon to
See 100 chukars in a day. Also, not all chukar country is vertical. Shoot me a PM if you’re interested in some flatter country.
You know, much of the allure of chukar hunting is to find the birds on your own. Your efforts to help forego that hard and honorable way by hotspotting to someone that you don't even know is soooo internet hunter.

I'm willing to bet that the spot(s) you want to disclose aren't even yours - but handed down to you by someone else
My hunting has evolved some since this thread first showed up. I have started sleeping in my truck more and doing overnight trips to save gas money.

I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many chukars I’ve killed. I couldn’t even begin to tell how many days I’ve spent chasing them. I’ve often wondered why people are compelled to keep tallies, but that’s their business and not mine.

As I’ve hunted more, I’ve been compelled to branch out so as not to over hunt my core areas. As a result, I’ve found some fascinating places to hunt. In many cases, the only limitations are your own ambition.

The last hunt I went on, when I crested the hill from the truck, the view literally took my breath away. I just stood and looked in wonder for a few moments. When you add in the company of a wonderful dog, that is why I chukar hunt.
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You know, much of the allure of chukar hunting is to find the birds on your own. Your efforts to help forego that hard and honorable way by hotspotting to someone that you don't even know is soooo internet hunter.

I'm willing to bet that the spot(s) you want to disclose aren't even yours - but handed down to you by someone else
Don’t be so arrogant and presumptive. That’s sooooo internet hunter of you. Good thing we weren’t betting or you’d be paying up.

I found the spots of my own accord and boot leather. @Hunting Wife has answered biological/habitat questions for me via PM, hence my offer to help her. I’d not extend the same to you.

Not sure why you are so sanctimonious, but I can think of about two spots I’ve been to where i received ANY information about other than either looking at it from afar or on a map. Your internet bravado and hostility is a clear reminder to me of why some folks think bird hunters are assholes.
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I have never shot a chukar but I assumed that any sane person would just drive around and shoot them off the road. 😀 There is no way I would intentionally go after them in the kind of places I have otherwise found them.


(Of course, I am kidding about shooting from or on the road).
Well I’ve hunted the Snake around Huntington since 1967, makes me 65. Just getting into the birds any more makes me feel good, heart still works, lungs are keeping up, legs are ok. I’ve drawn three of Oregon’s most coveted tags, including sheep.
Love the rough country, my hunting crew are all much younger my peers having abandoned me for gentle ground.
If I had to pick I might take 20 or so days of chucker hunting but it’s probably going to be closer to forty, so one out of every four days during the season, hell I’m in!
@JLS I'm not sure why I'm compelled to keep track, but I am. Maybe a form of accountability to the effort, or the time spent away from my family. I'm sure there is a competitiveness in me as well. Or simply a way to measure the passage of time, the chukar populations, and my own progress.
You know, much of the allure of chukar hunting is to find the birds on your own. Your efforts to help forego that hard and honorable way by hotspotting to someone that you don't even know is soooo internet hunter.

I'm willing to bet that the spot(s) you want to disclose aren't even yours - but handed down to you by someone else
1. Allure is in the eye of the beholder
2. Lighten up Francis
@JLS I'm not sure why I'm compelled to keep track, but I am. Maybe a form of accountability to the effort, or the time spent away from my family. I'm sure there is a competitiveness in me as well. Or simply a way to measure the passage of time, the chukar populations, and my own progress.
We're all wired differently. I certainly didn't intend for it to come across as a judgement, because it's not. I've just never been a numbers or a records guy. I'd have to sit down with a calendar and start counting to even begin to tell you how many days I've spent in the field this year, other than it's going to be a lot.
I have never shot a chukar but I assumed that any sane person would just drive around and shoot them off the road. 😀 There is no way I would intentionally go after them in the kind of places I have otherwise found them.

View attachment 170038

(Of course, I am kidding about shooting from or on the road).
Bastards, I’ve been revenge hunting for fifty years, not sure I wouldn’t follow them off the edge.
I have never shot a chukar but I assumed that any sane person would just drive around and shoot them off the road. 😀 There is no way I would intentionally go after them in the kind of places I have otherwise found them.

View attachment 170038

(Of course, I am kidding about shooting from or on the road).
I'm just maybe getting to the point where I might NOT ground pound one on a road, but that's a hard maybe...

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