Zinke confirmed


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2016

Reaffirmed commitment to keep lands federal.:)

Said he believed climate change was real but wants to drill baby drill anyway.:confused:

Those are highlights, we should all try to find a transcript and read it ourselves.
I only have to look at who opposes Zinke to know that he is a guy I want to give a chance to. When the Bundys and the Far left enviros both hate you, you are doing something right
I only have to look at who opposes Zinke to know that he is a guy I want to give a chance to. When the Bundys and the Far left enviros both hate you, you are doing something right

Concur. I didn't vote for either Trump or Clinton, so hard to complain about who was appointed anyway. Now for the fun part, who's going to replace him here in MT?!
What are the chances the democrat gets this seat?

If it's Gianforte, and given the recent uptick in democratic activism in the state, plus the general nervousness about a trump, I'd say about even, if they're not totally nuts.
If it's Gianforte, and given the recent uptick in democratic activism in the state, plus the general nervousness about a trump, I'd say about even, if they're not totally nuts.

Is Quist a reasonable democrat? Gianforte doesn't seem to rule transfer our.
Is Quist a reasonable democrat? Gianforte doesn't seem to rule transfer our.
I could get behind Quist. He's against pot. The decision hasn't been made yet so it may be Curtis or any of the others.
Had Gianforte won the Governors race you're dreaming if you think he'd have been anywhere near the Public Land Rally last month in Helena as Steve Bullock was. Speaking of nuts check out GOP Ken Miller of Laurel, a real dandy. Curtis or Quist would be great, I'll support either over any Republican.
I only have to look at who opposes Zinke to know that he is a guy I want to give a chance to. When the Bundys and the Far left enviros both hate you, you are doing something right

Well said. Is this the first cabinet level position from Montana?
Grats to Zinke. I voted for him in MT and support his role to lead the DOI.

As for MT state.. who takes his slot? Quist would be my pick... He is MT. Gianforte is a private interest $ man looking to capitalize on our public lands.

Wait, am I supposed to choose sides? D or R? Kiss my honky ass! And it may just honk if you tried! :D
Rob already stuck a fork in himself with this interview. Don't think he will move on to the 2nd round.

Thanks for the link, BHR.
I added the YouTube videos or... 1 video of a really great piece of music from Mr. Quist! Fantastic unplugged, typical of Mr. Quist. The other is simply a Youtube audio of the interview.

Unfortunately, I do not have an hour to listen to this though if you did, BHR or others, OR if anyone has a link to Quist's positions on the typical Montana state, our country an d the world as we know it - please post up...

BHR, maybe you would be so kind as to state what he said that leads you to believe he "stuck a fork in himself". Thanks.

Here are the two Youtube links:


The post for one message does not permit more than one video. I'll add a second post with the discussion part. This one has Quist's fantastic song.
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Here is the interview BHR refers to if anyone has the time to listen or has info where Quist stands on the popular issues, please post up.


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