Young Cow?

Carry a camera and a muzzy. If you bump one that is too big, take a picture, you have successfully stalked and got an elk. This fulfills the 'hunting' urge.
If it is the right size, grill it.
I just put in for my tag. I couldn't bring myself to hunt a doe. So, I put in for a muley buck. It's an easier tag to get anyway.
Any kids/neighbors/friends that can lend a back? Call/text when you shoot and call in the army! I'm on the "call list" for two friends.
Any kids/neighbors/friends that can lend a back? Call/text when you shoot and call in the army! I'm on the "call list" for two friends.
It would be nice but i'm usually hunting in areas with no signal. I hate to leave the kill long enough to drive back down the mountain to find a signal. With my luck they'd be busy or not answer the phone.

I really like to do the whole hunt. It's not like me to ask for help. I'll get it done one way or the other. If I die trying I can't think of a better way to go and i'll do it smiling.
This is from

North American Elk: Ecology And Management​


The scale is not great for the info you are looking for, but gives you some idea. Looks like a 'yearling' cow (~70 weeks old) is in the 250-300 kg (550-650 pounds) range and only 50-100 kg (100-200 pounds) short of it's maximum weight.
Good grief they grow fast. I never paid much attention to younger elk. I was always after the biggest one I could find.

Good thing I decided to hunt for a buck. The calves are too young to shoot (for me) and after that they get big too fast.

A nice buck will be fine.

This is from

North American Elk: Ecology And Management​

View attachment 177736

The scale is not great for the info you are looking for, but gives you some idea. Looks like a 'yearling' cow (~70 weeks old) is in the 250-300 kg (550-650 pounds) range and only 50-100 kg (100-200 pounds) short of it's maximum weight.
I think there must be some variance between elk from western Canada and most of the continental US. I've only killed two cows, they were fully mature, and I doubt over 400 lbs on the hoof.
I know how to solve my problem. I'll get a cow elk tag for muzzy season to go with the buck tag. They'll be in two different units. I'll give a few days to see if I can find a shootable cow. If not, i'll go to my home unit and hunt for a buck.

Better yet. I'll leave the buck tag in muzzy season and get a 1st rifle cow tag. If I can get the buck i'll know better what I can handle for a cow if at all. If the buck is a real struggle i'll turn in the cow tag.

That's a better plan.
Need a nice tub trailer to pull behind a quad. Back in winch it into the trailer and drive the whole works onto a bigger trailer D8D8D301-DF84-4C21-83E9-063FE65CF838.jpegA00ED209-1DB2-48E3-A231-96E076C3FC6C.jpeg73F4F0EF-4C77-4D59-B7A5-355729BD2F1E.jpeg
I wish but I hunt in wilderness areas and no wheels can touch the ground in them. I can't even use a hand cart.

Just boots and horses. My back couldn't handle a horse now.
10 yrs behind you and not the same health issues, but you just have to find help to get meat to truck & or in freezer.
I limit my elk to 3mi from truck now as I hunt solo. Last pack out bull was a few years back. Last pack out buck was 5 yrs ago 2 mi from truck. Took 2 cows near roads and that changed everything. To EZ.

Now my situation is different as I sometimes get LO tags and can hunt here ,if I don't draw. But I got smart & hunt within truck distance regardless.
Last 6 elk have been loaded into my truck after using the rack for holding legs & such or just winching into bed whole.

Last year my buddy came out for a cow hunt he took a 1 1/2 yr cow @ 1st light . We worked together with my truck to help hold legs and had it in bags gutless method in an hour or so. I carried one bone in hind quarter and it was heavy solo. And we had it cut,wrapped in freezer by 4pm and were beat.

I took a cow 3 years ago that was bigger than a bull. Huge. 9' from nose to tail. Took me 2 days to get it in freezer solo.

Sorry to say your going to have to get help with an elk with your health conditions. IMHO
This thought is foremost in my mind, getting closer every year (guess we all are) and trying like hell to keep my bad back in check. We hunted the 2019 season CO, my wife shot a decent cow, had a heck of a time trying to wrestle it into my PU, hope no-one was watching, would have been comical. Ended up quartering and still tough to handle. Once back to camp, talked to other hunters, people we had just met, some older like us, some younger. All exchanged numbers and offered to help each other.
Back in WI, I've often offered to help drag if I came upon someone who needed help.
Hope you find a helper, otherwise the deer season is a good plan.
I wouldnt give it up if you’re still able to get up there. I’m thinking an inreach or ZOLEO to text someone and have a plan before each hunting outing. Someone reliable enough to come help. Surely someone wouldn’t mind to pack out with a little meat for pay
Hunting doesn't have to involve killing.
If you do happen to shoot a yearling, build a
fire and get to eating.
And maybe someone will smell the fire and
join you. Problem solved... Eat well! and fast! 💥
Thanks guys. A nights sleep has helped me make up my mind. Nothing goes on forever. I really hate shooting females and youngsters is even worse. My time for elk has finished. That would be hard to take if it meant no more hunting but it doesn't.

I've always considered a mature muley buck one of the hardest hunts we can do. I'll concentrate on that. Dad always said to me and my brother as he taught us to hunt. "If the hunt is too easy don't pull the trigger." I know he's looking down on me and is pleased that i'm not going to hunt for an easy cow. I'll have fun hunting for a buck and at my age i'll take all the fun I can get.

Thanks for helping me work through this.
My 1st 1 1/2 yr old cow was 2 years ago. I felt similar. Never shot a doe either. But I see lots of young elk just not make it to the next year.

Same regards to muley bucks,2nd hardest. After Blacktails. And that 30" mark has eluded me by 1/4" twice.
I'll have to spot & stalk from the road with Rio now. That will be way harder than any elk hunt in NM now, just to find a dink. During season.

Good luck.
I agree that a lot of youngsters won't make it through winter. However, if I shoot one it sure won't make it. ;)
As a female with a weight problem I have similar issues getting meat out of the woods. I try to never hunt below the truck or where I could drive the truck. Weeble wobbling down hill with a load is easier for me as I can keep my joints aligned and the weight over my hips. I also never take bones/heads/hides out of the woods, I bone out and trim whatever I can to lighten the load and take smaller loads and add another trip or two if I have to.

In my pack I have a block and tackle and a few game bags to help with the cleaning.

I uses an inreach which pairs with my smartphone so I can text from the phone through the inreach even when I'm out of cell signal. This might work for you to reach your support staff if you have one.

I've never shot a bull but this system has worked for me for 7 cows. Usually they are young cows as I'm not picky and shoot the first one that comes into bow range.

Good luck out there!
Hunt different. 40 yrs ago I met a 90 y.o. guy along a jeep trail. I stopped to talk, turns out he had killed elk sitting along this road. 30 years later I sat my 80 y.o. uncle in same spot. My uncle thought I lost senses until 3rd night he killed
Small bull. His last elk.

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