Caribou Gear Tarp

Wyoming Wolf Management Info

I wonder if Baker would support a new law stating that any elk, deer, bighorn sheep, or moose that wondered out of Yellowstone or two Wilderness areas in WY would be considered predators and blasted on sight?

Wouldnt that be great? Year round hunting and no more pesky big-game to eat all the grass that should be going to would also keep the wolf numbers down too, with no big-game, they'd starve.

I'm sure thats next on their agenda.
BUZZ, are you saying that any "pesky big-game" aren't shot during open season when they leave the parks or wilderness?
Ten Bears, in case you havent been able to figure it out yet, with big-game there is a hunting season and you need a license.

WY's plan allows any wolf to be shot on sight, any time of the year, without a license anywhere in WY except YNP and two wilderness areas.

I guess my progressive thinking makes me wonder why the WYG&F, and folks like Baker, dont seem to realize that the STATE could make money from a wolf season and a license. So, my argument is, if you dont have a season and require a license for wolves, why do it with big-game that wonders out of parks and wilderness...same principle.

Instead they choose to bitch about no funding for wolf management, then dont even support a wolf license and a season...they would just as soon everyone blast them for free.

That plan wont ever work, because the wolf numbers will fall under the numbers required to keep them off the ESA. Then, once again control will be back to the feds and then the states are back to no control...statewide.

WY isnt getting anywhere on the wolf issue.
My point is as it stands with Baker and the current proposal, their just diddling in the wind, and the USFWS has no choice but to deny the proposed plan. Where do these guy real agenda lay? Do they really want control to manage, or do they just wnat to blame somebody else for their own inadequencies?
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