Wyoming Type 6 Private Land Doe Tags in Walk In Areas


Active member
Aug 4, 2015

So, I thought I knew the Wyoming system pretty well, but apparently I was a bit self delusional. I applied and received a Type 1 Tag for Unit 7 as my first choice. I also applied for 2 doe tags. I guess I was under the assumption that if I drew doe tags, it would be for the same unit I drew my buck tag on. I was wrong. I drew the Type-1 tag out of my first choice, and the doe tags ended up coming out of my 2nd choice, Unit 29. 7 and 29 differ in doe tags, as in 29 the doe tags are for private land only.

So here is my question. Do WIA's count as private land? I'm wondering if although WIA are private parcels, but are open to the public, if they still qualify as private land areas in terms of Type-6 Doe tags requirements.

I would rather hunt on public land only, and not have to worry about contacting landowners to hunt on private land, nor do I want to pay a access fee for doe tags.

Looks like I may just have to chalk this up to a lesson learned as their isn't much in way of WIA in Unit 29, even if I could hunt them legally

.....Excuse me while I go shake my head in disappointment at myself.... :mad:
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You can hunt any private land with type 6 tag including WIA, there is not much of WIA area in 29, I never hunted that unit but I think there will be a lot of hunters on it, you better wear orange from the top to the bottom and never mix it with white.
I can't answer your question about WIA and private land tags, but I'm pretty sure there is only one WIA in 29 and it's a small chunk surrounded by thunder basin grasslands.