Wyoming Elk, here we come

Got to camp late last night. Wind is 40+, as the storm is headed our way. Saw some good bulls this morning as they came off private to the public. Hiking back to camp to snow proof the place. Will be back out scouting this evening.
We're getting hit with some mixed rain/snow/sleet here in southern Idaho right now along with wind. Hopefully the weather doesn't wreck things for you guys. Good luck on the hunt.
Sounds like you may need to kill an elk, cut it open, and crawl inside it just to survive the weather.
The snow did not come today, just cold and wind. It is starting to spit a few flakes now.

Saw a very nice bull tonight and hope we can move on him in the morning. Lot of hunters showed up today, which is to be expected, since season opens in the morning.

Good news is, the bulls we are seeing are directly north of camp about a mile, and down a thousand feet of elevation. Will be a grunt to pack one out of that hole, if we shoot one, but what else would I be doing with that time?

Heading to the tent, with dreams of big bulls dancing in my head.
Will is the trigger guy. I am wielding nothing but a knife.
Big F' ....

I've read this Story a Hundred times with you. Nothing.... Nothing.... Hard Luck....... nothing...... last day and BOONE/CROCKET !!... You need to just go out the last day and spend the rest of your time with the wife and kid. Maybe she'd sell less of your stuff :D :D

HEy, If you kid ever has a "I'm growing out of my hunting cloths" SALE.... Let me know. I have 4 boys coming up through the ranks I need to Out fit. :D

Good luck !!!!
I would think any of Miller's stuff would work for your younger ones...:D

Remember, My boys can't Hunt until they are 12, they have usually outgrown MtMillers stuff by then...




(I know, After a good post like yours, anything anyone else types isn't funny but I had to try ... :p )
This morning brought six inches of snow and zero visibility. Four hours of that was too much, so we headed back to camp. It is now clearing, but blowing hard. The last two hours on this frozen rock at 8,500', in this wind, have been miserable. We are committed to stick it out until dark, but we will need a good fire in the tent stove tonight.

Can see over 300 elk on the private ranch below. Funny how quickly elk find the sanctuary once shooting starts.
No big news for today, but I have a good feeling about tomorrow. Stayed out until dark.

Weather cleared partially this afternoon, but the last few hours were brutal. Have heard very few shots. Did cross some very good tracks on the way back, after dark, which looked like they were headed to a spot we had scouted and heard some bugles. Will try that tomorrow, and see what comes of it.

Supposed to be a little warmer tomorrow, but I will believe it when I see it.

Sorry for the lack of pics, but the cell connection here is agonizingly slow, and it drops me before I can get a pic fully loaded. Will try again. Fill in your own captions.








Glad to see the colorado's are holding up. I hope tomorrow will be the day. It will be hard to follow this weekend while I'm in the mountains helping a buddy hopefully bag his bull. We'll be down in your neck of the woods Big Fin.(Bozeman not Wy) Then back to GF to kill some teal Sunday Monday. Good luck, sounds like you got the bad luck out of the way early.

Good thing I had eaten my dinner before I saw Troy sitting there half naked:D I thought you had removed most of the porn.