Wyoming Elk Density Map?


Apr 25, 2017
I was wondering if anyone knows of an elk population/density map for Wyoming? Colorado has a great one for their state that shows winter/summer concentrations and migration patterns.
Let me know if you find something! I have been trying to find a map similar for mule deer in Wyoming.
I am not aware of any maps, the closest thing is perhaps the harvest statistics.

https://wgfd.wyo.gov/WGFD/media/content/PDF/Hunting/Harvest Reports/HR2016_Elk.pdf

In general, statewide, elk in Wyoming are doing very well.

The migration data, even if there was some, probably would be more beneficial for the Western Wyoming elk herds as they migrate much more. The Eastern part of the state, the elk definitely move to certain areas at certain times of the year, but not to the extent that they do in western Wyoming.
I know of the migration maps. There has been lots of recent study of that recently. But the routes shown are more than likely dependent on collared and tracked animals, so it can only show so much.
There probably is some sort of density map ,the biologist may have that answer if asked.

Seems many are still waiting for states to post a map for us with big x showing where the big one is. Ha,Ha... But I think we might be a ways out for that.

The migration routes shown are interesting. But even though I haven't hunted out west yet, all my years in the woods tells me that as soon as we think we figured an animal out , they do a switch up on us.
Still I understand it is still good to have any info you can to help at least paint a picture of where to be and why we think we should be there.

I'm hopeful to learn plenty of first hand experience this fall in Wyoming.

Good luck guys.

click on the MAP INFO tab and click current elk range.

I don't think its exactly what you want but its a start. Colorado has lots more info on their website than Wyoming does unfortunately.

This is super helpful! I was just looking for a general place to start for my scouting. Buzz, the migration initiative is good too, but I think one needs a membership to fully unlock the atlas and maps unfortunately.

If anyone has had any experience in unit 111, please let me know! I have a type 7 cow tag for there and I've never hunted elk before
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The one file I downloaded on my phone had files that you can open in Google earth.
Oh that info looks incredible but it won't open for me :( do you have issues opening it?

They're shape files (.shp). Open them in Google Earth Pro, which is now free. (you have to unzip the compressed container file first)

I believe there are 2 apps every Elk hunter should have, GE Pro (free) and G-Raster ($5). G-Raster will convert geopdf/geotiff/ect to KMZ so you can load those map types commonly used for HMA's, walk in areas, and TMA's into GE and also your GPS.

Ya when I unzipped them, they showed as internet explorer and xml documents that wouldn't load despite having the latest updated browser. I'll try from a different PC when I get home and also from Google earth. I'll look into those apps too. Thanks so much! If I can't get it working, would you be willing to email the kmz files?
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Try wisdom.wygisc.org. It has a critical wildlife habitat (winter range) layer you can view over a aerial imagry for each big game species. Not sure if thats quite what you are after but i have found it helpful.
Awesome! I got it to work on Google Earth Pro. Thanks! Super informative stuff. Should I interpret the crucial range as their winter concentration and the seasonal range as including summer, too?
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