Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

worldhunt.com ???

I tried sending an e-mail to that link and it came back as undeliverable.
"[email protected] on 6/22/2006 8:34 AM
The e-mail system was unable to deliver the message, but did not report a specific reason. Check the address and try again. If it still fails, contact your system administrator."
He just e-mailed me back.

Said go to his web site in a couple of days more info will follow.

Keep and open mind. ( I told him his idea was the equivalent to scum).

And that the HUNT WAS ON!
He put a new video on promoting his hunters. Its pretty ridiculous. Take a look.
This has attracted some attention in Australia. I and every one I speak to is appalled that such an idea could establish in the USA. Please kill this dart game before it gets out of hand, we have enough anti hunting idiots in the world now without this Faberman clown giving them more ammunition to use against us.

Peter O
More $*)Q!#@$ dipsticks trying to make a living out of our sport! they are a s bad as the assholes on the T.V. They belong in the 3rd circle of hell!!
What else is new? Another politically correct conception percieved to embrace nonhunters for monetary gain. Makes me want to go radical. Nevermind that hunting has sustained our deer, antelope and elk with hunting/culling methods successfully for over a century. This darting stuff is computer game/nurd stuff.
I dont know if your all aware but this is still an active issue. We have to stop the maddness by hook or by crook. Time to contact your state lawmakers and get this fricken thing stopped!
I see on their website that, after receiving so much flak, they've decided to go to a 'kill' format instead of 'catch-and-release.' I wrote them a nice letter telling them just how much it didn't matter. ;)
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