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Wolves in Idaho: Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up

So Jack, are you telling us that it's legal to kill wolves in SD if they are on private property? What does the federal gummint have to say about that? It seems that your earlier statement about wolves and prarie dogs in SD wasn't correct. "The day wolves are protected in South Dakota is the day our Governor gets impeached. Same for prairie dogs. And Gov. Rounds knows it." Are they protected on state and federal land in SD or not?

Invitation is open. Let me know when you'd like to come spout off in person.
How many teeth do you have??

If you are as big an ass hole in person as you are on the net I'm sure your missing a few.

My guess is you have a nice shinny full set
Most guys like you that are blow hard ass holes on the net are little pussies in person.

Ease off being such a Jerk and maybe people will respect your knowledge. You do seem to know what your talking about, I just can't get past your ass hole attitude.
Easy there Michael...

Yep, I have all my teeth, but I've had to work aweful hard to keep them in place a few times.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-24-2003 16:37: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>
Bullhound posted
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>couldn't afford an ATV if they wanted one. They live in places like Elk City, Peirce, Weippe, Elk River, Bovil, and so on. Alot of these people worked for years for outfitts like Potlatch Corp. Most are struggling like hell now to survive. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Bullhound, hopefully I don't piss you off, and we can have a civil discussion.
Here is my take on these towns.

I have spent considerable time in Elk City, so that is the one I will comment on, I have driven thru the rest, but can't say that I have even bought a soda pop in them.

I do not think the whole town of Elk City is in the SSS category, and I actually think there is a wide variety of thought in that town on most of these subjects. I have spent wayyyyyyyyyyy to many nights in the Reno Club, sipping on long neck Coors Lights, to not feel like I have some sense of the spectrum of opinions.

I have never bought more than one beer in the Reno Club, as generally, one of the locals will start picking up my tab, maybe it is just my charm, maybe just my wit, but they seem to like to have intelligent discussions. I have talked about breaching dams, wolf re-introduction, and Welfare Ranching and never had anybody raise a voice in anger toward me. I think some people on these boards may not give adequate credit to the ability of these people to think for themselves.

From my observations, Elk City has the following:
<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Civil Servants (Forest Circus, Transportation Dept, County and the School)<LI>Business Owners (South Fork, Corner Store, Grocery Store, Reno Club, etc.. etc..)
<LI>Gypo Loggers
<LI>Welfare Recipients[/list]
From my point of view, the Welfare people don't care about jobs, they actually live there and move there to make sure they don't have a chance at a job. It is the most amazing thing, but I think they prefer not working. They don't care about hunting, fishing, wolves or frogs. They just want to have more white trash babies and get a check from the goverment each month.

The retirees enjoy living back there, and being somewhat isolated from the stresses of a city/town. Life is good, they can drink coffee downtown, drive to Grangeville once a week for Dr. appointments, and generally complain about the weather. These guys all will complain about Wolves, but none of them have ever seen a wolf. They do know somebody who talked to somebody who has a brother who used to be in jail with a guy that slept with the wife of a guy that saw man who saw a wolf track.
But, they will never see a wolf, nor will they ever SSS a wolf, despite their claims. For these guys, hunting is loading up in the pick up and driving up Wheeler, hoping to find a white tail doe standing next to the road.

The Gypo Loggers aren't hunters either, or they sure don't seem to care about it. For them, life is chainsaws and 12-packs. Yes, they complain about the logging/timber industry, but they really don't care about Elk or Wolves.

The Business Owners actually do care about the Wolves, and would like to see them gone, as the F&G has bad mouthed that unit so bad, that the non-residents (read that as Californians with $$$$$) aren't coming to town each October. Everybody is convinced there are no Elk in that unit, as the Wolves ate them all. But none of the owners of the businesses in town have any time to go hunt wolves, so I doubt they SSS.

And finally the Civil Servants, I don't think they are that adamant about the wolves. Most of them are educated people, and the more education a person has, the more acceptance/tolerance one has for reintroduction.

You'll notice I didn't mention the Mill Workers. I have yet to meet a Mill Worker from Elk City in the Bar. It seems like all the mill workers are actually from Grangeville, and they don't care about Elk City, they just like the job they drive into.
Nor do they care about Wolves.

What does all that mean? Hell, I don't know, but it was interesting to think about.

Actually, I guess the point is, we shouldn't feel too sorry for the people of Elk City, as they live there by choice, and some of that choice is done knowing there are few jobs. I would love to live in Elk City year round, but I know I can make a lot more money outside of the Clearwater region, so I live elsewhere. I do not feel anybody owes me a high paying job in Elk City, nor do I think these guys in Elk City want sympathy for not being able to affor ATV;s. They make choices, and for the most part, they have chosen a different lifestyle than I, but they like living there, and they know the ups and downs, and don't want your sympathy nor do they feel they need the government to fix all their problems.

I would guess that Buzz could easily walk into the Reno Club, pull up a stool, and be able to have a conversation without getting his teeth rearranged.
I am just amazed pertaining the tough talk. Are you guys actually looking for a scrap? If you panty wastes have ever been in a few, you wouldn't be looking very hard. Winners are not very celebrated, you are really not very far from the losers in a scrap. Mellow out, it's not worth it boys.

Most can't survive the $1.75 tall burnt drinks in my ranching community of 600.
Troy- I want one of those drinks!!! Heck, I'll go to most any bar for $1.75 drinks! I'm usually happy if they're under $5!

BTW, what the heck is it?
As you all know i can whip everyone`s ass on the internet! cause i am one BAD MOTHER , SHUT YOUR MOUTH !<>>>>>>> i went into kansas city, kicking asses till both my shoes was shitty! when i was born i slapped the doctor, and told him get outa my face now i`m running this mother f#$@#$king place!
Jack, I don't always agree with your posts, but you do have some entertaining stories from time to time.
Come on Jack, be a man.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> The day wolves are protected in South Dakota is the day our Governor gets impeached. Same for prairie dogs. And Gov. Rounds knows it.
This comment was is not even close to being correct. The wolf is listed as a threatened species in South Dakota. I did not go to the "court house", but I am pretty sure that means they are

As for prairie dog protection, yes, there is no protection on private land. On the other-hand, Prairie dog shooting is prohibited on public lands in South Dakota from March 1 through June 14.
The exception is the Conata Basin in Buffalo Gap National Grassland, which is closed to prairie dog shooting year-round.
No rocket scientist, but in my book that constitutes PROTECTION in South Dakota.

Now buck up. Don't try to change your point halfway through the debate. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> South Dakota does not offer protection on private property to either wolves or prairie dogs. Check the courthouse if you dis-believe me. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
When you are wrong, step up and say you were full of shit. Of course everyone has realized it by now anyway.

Another question, what authority does the SD governor have concerning the endangered species act?
You also can't do any PD control using bait on public or private land from Jan. 31 to July 1.

MtMiller, doesn't the shooting restrictions of dogs on public only pertain to Fed land or does that include state lands too?

We do alot of control on school lands and the state picks up the tab. Have close to 25 towns to do this fall and we alway get more as we go. Miller, we have 3 to do for Ike B's Uncle Hank. I have seven I am going to donate my time on for friends and family.
What up Troy? In Montana, shooting season regulations do not effect State lands, but in South Dakota it appears they have the same provisions as Federal public lands.

Prairie dog shooting is prohibited from March 1 through June 14 on public lands generally open to hunting in South Dakota. These lands include lands owned by the U.S. Forest Service (national forests and national grasslands), the Bureau of Land Management, the Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks’ Game Production Areas, the South Dakota Office of School and Public Lands, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Waterfowl Production Areas. Public lands generally closed to hunting include national parks and black-footed ferret reintroduction areas.

Do me a favor and keep your eyes open for some big whiteys while you are murdering pdogs on Bruch property.
I plan to be there in mid Nov to find a good one. No preference point, but should at least draw a second choice which was the whitey double tag.
I've seen a good solid 150 class a couple times if that will do buddy. He's been bedding in some little bluestem in the middle of a pasture. If jumped, he runs over to my Uncle Bobs land, so we got you covered. That is if he is still around come the season. But, I don't suppose he will go far. Also have seen some good ones on my Uncle Carls, that is also in your unit.

Have seen some hogs at the inlaws ranch lately. One whitetail that's hanging by the hay yard up the creek would be a personal best if he sticks around. I'd like to make a go of him with my bow first. Went to check a windmill in the big pasture one evening before dark and ran into a half dozen mulies that were all bucks. Two of them were impressive. One had a real heavy base with lots of stickers. The two bigger ones were in the 28 to 30 inch range. So things are looking pretty good right now Miller.

Codi is already excited about hunting. She earmarked one of the big mulies we saw. She was out checking cows with Grandpa John and has already picked out another big goat for this year. If my 13 year old daughter gets another 16 inch goat, I'm going to have to start taking pointers from her huh.

Dawn decided to get a whitetail tag for the ranch this year. I haven't seen it, but Dawn wants a big buck she saw at the Mud Butte place. The mother inlaw says she sees it all the time, so who knows.

Miller, are you going to be here for the rally?
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