Wolves in Idaho: Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up

Good ol' Ithaca......Duckin' and dodgin' again.....if he wasn't such an old fart I'd put him in the ring. All of us are getting tired of your "How many topics have you started........" BullShit. He definitely isn't into eyeball to eyeball discussions as you can readily see Bullhound!
Buzz-Ithaca sorry don't have time to reply, I have a life outside of the computer and can't afford to waste my time responding to every comment.
whitedeer, what do you think Bull wanted to discuss? Where you been lately? How about getting off your ass and doin' some work to keep SI goin'? How many topics you started this year?
I love pointing out that you don't amount to shit.
Nice of you to inquire, Ithaca......I've been poppin' a few caps here and there. Just trying to keep the edge on my hunting eye. Boy, I've heard of the kettle calling the pot black, but some how it doesn't hold a second to you and your broken recordings. Still trying to play the "camo greenie" game, eh! Let's here more from you....folks tell me you've been hiding out under some guise a lickin' your wounds. Don't be a stranger now, ya hear!
white, one of the reasons I quit posting for a while was to prove my theory that people like you don't have anything worthwhile to contribute, all you do is flame others.
If everyone here was like you and a few of your worthless loser buddies this forum would die out.
Bullhound, I'd gladly meet up with any ATV slacker...problem is though, I dont cruise the roads hunting. So, the chances of me running into those 42 inch waste dudes arent very likely.

They can keep and hunt the crappy country they run their machines in.

CJCJ, I wonder how many wolves there are in the West?

I wonder how many black bears and mountain lions there are?

I wonder what kills more elk and deer each year in the West...cats or wolves?

I'd guess theres a minimum of 7-8 thousand cats in Montana alone, probably a similar amount in Idaho. Multiply that times an average of one deer or elk a week.

Each wolf PACK kills a deer or so a week, say 30 packs maximum...probably less.

OH MY!!!!!!!!

I say gut shoot every last cat you see, in particular the females, if you really think predators are a problem with our ungulate herds.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-21-2003 18:27: Message edited by: BuzzH ]</font>

You don't get it obviously. You and IT continue with your anti-everything bullshit and can't even respond to a direct question. Here is what you posted:

"I wonder if these same blowhards kill all the black bears and mountain lions they see? My guess is the SSS crowd are too securely anchored to the seat of a 4-wheeler to do much more than run their mouths and bitch about a few wolves. I would also guess they are crappy hunters looking for an excuse for their lack of success. The size 42 pants they wear are a much bigger problem than a pack of 42 wolves for their lack of hunting success and opportunity."

Buzzy, Did I say anything about ATV's? No. Did you bring ATV's into the discussion about wolves? Yes. Buzzy, the sad fact is that alot of these people that FIRMLY believe in the SSS theory couldn't afford an ATV if they wanted one. They live in places like Elk City, Peirce, Weippe, Elk River, Bovil, and so on. Alot of these people worked for years for outfitts like Potlatch Corp. Most are struggling like hell now to survive. You, the suck up government employee, couldn't give a shit about these people or if they survive. A $*)Q!#@$ squirrel like you passing judgement on them and calling them the fat ass lazy ATV crew that is too lazy to hunt hard is a real laugh. The issue of SSS has nothing to do with your ATV crusade. Like I said, let me know if you would like me to take you to one of the towns listed above and introduce you and your peice of shit attitude towards them. You'd be #@)(*%* and plucked in a heart beat

By the way, I do not, and would not ever use an ATV for hunting. I can't see getting an arrow into an animal going that route. And yes, I do get pissed at some of the idiots that use ATV's and try to actually hunt off of them. These idiots don't make ALL ATV users slobs.
Bull, "...couldn't afford an ATV if they wanted one. They live in places like Elk City, Peirce, Weippe, Elk River, Bovil, and so on. Alot of these people worked for years for outfitts like Potlatch Corp. Most are struggling like hell now to survive...." I bet ATV ownership in those areas is much higher than the state average. It seems like every local has an ATV during hunting season.

As for struggling to survive, what do you want to do, let them clearcut every last tree in the NF? Then what will they do when they've cut them all? If it's that big a struggle for them to survive they can move somewhere else where there's jobs, just like I did. We don't guarantee everyone in the US they can live wherever they want and find a job.
Hey IT, ya friggin blowhard, I didn't say anything about allowing "them" to cut down evry tree in the forest. That's not what this is about. Do you figure that these people are the ones that actually make, or made, the big decisions on what areas to cut? Wake up ya ol coot!

By the way, I didn't ask you, or your gov-boy Buzzy, to give them anything. I would suggest though, that if you or Buzzy decide to show up in some of these places and let all the folks know how worthless they are, get ready for some porkin'

You make me laugh ya crazy ol bastard!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 07-22-2003 09:10: Message edited by: Bullhound ]</font>

OK, I didn't know if it was allowed. I'll build up some steam and let ya know how I really feel.

Can't help it though. These wholier than thou pukes that would shit on anybody from a distance make me want to puke.
Ok Buzz, we have all of these predator`s killing elk/deer/lopes/etc. Why would you want to add wolves to that? doesn`t that make the problem even worse?
Bullhound, you are right, it probably wasnt appropriate of me to bring ATV's into a wolf discussion...

Now that your are a full time forum cop, please deliver the same message to the other 1500 or so members who all do the same thing.

However, I've seen a direct correlation between lack of hunting success and bitching about wolves...they go hand in hand. The same as most unsuccessful hunters and their lack of ambition. Most with no ambition are the ones that buy machines looking for an edge. In particular the lazy ATV crowd who get an elk about every ten years or so. They never think ripping down every road in the country, shooting at elk from the roads (no matter how far away they are), etc. isnt a problem...its those damn wolves ruining hunting. I have to chuckle at that.

As far as your concern with the folks of weippe, orifino, etc. its pretty apparent they need to get out of the bars once in a while. I have a very good friend who grew up in Weippe, he graduated highschool, hitched a ride out of town, went to gunsmithing school, and has a successful business in Missoula Montana, he's never looked back.

I'd guess that all those people in those small Idaho towns are all really well educated, have a great grasp of the world, and understand subjects like wildlife biology and forest management. Most were born there, will die there, and live in a fishbowl their entire lives. They hate the gummint because Grandpappy and Pappy did.
They find one dead elk and immediately the wolves are to blame for every elk fatality in Idaho...its bullshit.

You can get pissed and whine all you want, but the truth is the truth. I guarantee that mountain lions kill far more elk and deer in Idaho than wolves, probably by at least a 50-1 margin. Yet, I dont hear anyone whine about that...funny how that works??? For that matter, I wouldnt be suprised theres more elk wounded and lost by hunters than wolves kill.

Besides all that, what really ticks guys like you off, is that people like me an Ithaca are winning big in these battles...while you pout. Get over it Bullhound and be prepared for more of the same.

"Every lion you kill will reduce consumption of elk just as much as killing a wolf."

I don't think anyone here said lions never take elk. One thing for certain is where lions or bears are a problem we can adjust seasons on the predator to compensate. We won't get to do that with wolves until all three Northwestern states quit messing around. Some legislators and a small group of hunters think it's cool to 'take a stand' by ignoring or breaking the law. All they are doing is preventing the start of real hunting pressure that will come with de-listing.

We elected morons to 'represent' us in Washington, now we pay the price. It sickens me that we didn't send them packing after laying down on the Wolf issue. Now we can play by the rules or prolong the problem.

My .02, Tom
Mr. Judge,

Welcome aboard, and good post. You are right about the "lone rangers" who think they can solve the probelm by SSS. They are causing the process to drag out.

At this point, the wolves are here, so we might as well learn to live with them, and quit arguing IF they should be here. Let's get on with hunting them....

And with respect to the Lion issue, I think it stems from hound hunters who "catch and release" Lions and Bears, and then are concerned with Wolves eating Deer and Elk.

Again, welcome.
Houndsmen dislike of wolves has nothing to do with how many deer or elk they eat. Although more I think about it, less wolves killing deer and elk that will leave more for the lion and bears to eat....HA.
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