Wolves for Elk?

Politics and money, both already mentioned, are potent fuel for any "cause". People are really weird about the wolf thing. In some people's world view, contrary to what @Big Fin says, they are in fact shape-shifting unicorns with dazzles coming out the wazoo. I don't fault wolves for being killers, that's what they do. What I'm skeptical of is the politics and money cuz I know as well as anyone people twist facts around when they know their livelihood, in this case publishing studies about wolves, is at stake.
I know as well as anyone people twist facts around when they know their livelihood, in this case publishing studies about wolves, is at stake.
Sure, but everyone twists the facts to their narrative. Outfitters and ranches will tell you wolves kill everything that walks on four legs just for pleasure (that point trying to tug on the heartstrings of nonhunters I presume). Someone here recently said “statistics don’t lie”. Completely true, but the interpretation of them can vary greatly, some to the point of being completely untrue. Hard to have a conversation on wolves, or anything really, when there is no objective truth. Wolves are probably good for the overall health of a herd, but bad for hunter opportunity. Any balance of that results in a suboptimal solution for all.