Caribou Gear Tarp

Wilderness Athlete???


Sep 3, 2013
Eastern, OK
I've been looking at this stuff and considering trying their weight loss product. I've only found a couple comments on here and some were quite negative while a couple others seemed to like it.

Can I get your thoughts on it?
Hydrate and Recover

Hydrate and Recover are the only product I have used and can say that if the rest of the products work this well, you will be happy. I have always had problems with muscle cramps and this product absolutely cures this problem.
20 ounces in the morning an 20 when I get off the hill and no cramps.
Love the hydrate and recover and energy and focus. Use it every work day and will continue to do so. I did the 28 day challenge and ultimately wouldn't do it again. For me it boiled down to the pills being too big.
I use the hydrate and recover everyday in the gym and really like it and the lime flavor!
I did the 28 day challenge. I lost some weight, but I also didn't change my work outs.... I do like the hydrate and recover. I use it a good bit.
Not Wilderness Athlete, but I've just started using MTN OPS products which are similar. I'm giving the Tank Combo and Blaze to try and kick start some fitness goals as well as drop some weight. I've only been on it for two days but I usually only do 2-3 10-30 mile bike rides per week and yesterday I woke up early before work, hit the treadmill and elliptical for 40 minutes and then after work biked 10 miles and did push ups and sit ups and still felt like I had energy to do more. I also feel like I've been sleeping better the past two nights and haven't felt this good in at least 10 years. Whether it's a placebo effect or not remains to be seen, and I'm always pretty skeptical of things like this, but I've taken other supplements in the past with similar claims and never had the same results so here's hoping. Hell, even if it's a placebo effect as long as I can keep up the increased activity level and weight loss it's worth it to me.
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I started out on the WA...then when MTNOPS started I gave them a try as well...and like charlie said, it really gave me a boost...but now after a few months it doesn't do much of anything, so I'm heading back to WA now. Not using them as a daily regiment...but more of a when I need to use them for energy or hydrating. Not sure if just the way they are if you built up a tolerance if you take them consistently...and maybe it's better to just use them once in a while when needed. I feel like the WA works for what I need right now will stick with them for now.
All of those supplements or weight loss products are a waste of money. Especially the weight loss products. Do you think that if they really worked there would be so many fat people walking around?
It's all a placebo effect if you think it works it just might.
I have not tried the weight loss products, but did try the energy/focus product. I didn't notice a big increase in energy, but I believe it did help with hydration.
I've been looking at this stuff and considering trying their weight loss product. I've only found a couple comments on here and some were quite negative while a couple others seemed to like it.

Can I get your thoughts on it?

Not a fan of supplements.

If you want to lose weight, and lots of it, Medifast will get you there. Expensive unless you buy off craigslist but you'll drop 20# the first month and I know a cpl that dropped over 100. It's not a lifestyle change however and that will get you in the end unless you are very careful. I dropped 50# in 10 weeks on Adkins, lowered my cholesterol as well, but it also isn't a lifestyle change.

Eat less and be more active is the real way to do it.
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Just grab some gatorade powder and a multi-vitamin... But hey, if you think it's working for you, keep on keeping on!