Wife's pronghorn

That is a cool buck! Nice work on bringing it back to life(y)...love the frontal view on him with the ears back. I love doing Antelope mounts. They are the prettiest and the easiest to work with....of course that being said, I still cant put one together as nice as this one :oops:
What's your rate? Posting pictures like that is going to generate some business for you. Beautiful

I appreciate that.

I am at 550 on pronghorn shoulder mounts. My location really limits what a taxidermist can charge. It also really limits the number of pronghorn I'll get to work on.
Good looking lope! I love mounting them myself, I get to take in about as many of them down in LA as you will in MO! So far just one shoulder and a handful of skull mounts in 16 years. 550 isn’t a bad price, it’s about avg for around here too.
Wow, that's a handsome buck. Love the way he curves in and down so much.

Congrats to your wife!

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