Wife wants a bigger diamond, what you think?

Steiny said:
I'm with Moosie. Get her the ring.

Just don't put yourself in a financial bind over it. Let your hunting trips create those issues.
That wont happen, i only have 2 weeks vacation.... now if i had three.... maybe a bind.
Didn`t you just buy her a new Harley? I like Delw`s answer the best....But in all reallity you better make her happy one way or the other. married 27+ and still paying for stuff that makes no sence.
Moosie not everyone is as jaded as you are.

Main Entry: 2jade
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): jad·ed; jad·ing
transitive senses
1 a : to wear out by overwork or abuse b : to tire or dull through repetition or excess
2 obsolete : to make ridiculous
intransitive senses : to become weary or dulled

DULL ? I'm the opposite. I like new and Improved. I like Change.... Dull is latching onto an object that sybolizes a meaning but the object itself isn't the "true meaning" behind it. She knows he doesn't love her more whether it's a $10 or $10,000 ring. She wants a new ring, I'm guessing 5k isn't that big of a deal ? give her a ring.

We upgrade cars .... Houses, Lands and cloths throughout our lives. I bought Vicki a New car when we got maried, we're always exchanging it. No biggy. She doesn't wear her wedding dress any more either.... And yet I love her still the same in her sunday dress. I like Schmalts and he knows it's no offense but it's more of a Selfish/jealous reason for putting up a fuss. Write down the reasons....

Why I think she should get one :

Because she wants one.

Why I don't think she shouldn't get one.

Because her rich frined has one and I'm having to keep up with them.

Because her rich friend makes more money and Im having to keep up with them.

Because "I think that replacing the diamond will cheapen the meaning of it."
(But why would it.... Would it to her or you ?)

Because "the ring was fine until her gal pal who has been married for over 2 years went with her to get it resized."
(So, they went shopping and she wants a new ring.)

Because "$3-5k for a piece of clear rock that is not even considered preciuos and is only expensive because one company controls the majority of the mines."
(So... who/what are you really mad at here ? There is alot of things that dictate prices of things. Fact is EVERYTHING is based off that senario....) And who doesn't consider it "preciuos"... you ?

I don't even wear a wedding ring... what does that mean ? :D :D
I dont wear one either.... never had one never will. My finger would have been torn off by now if i did, every knuckle has scars and scabs right now.
Moosie, yea i see where your coming from but let me add one more thing she said.
She said that she settled for the diamond she has when we got married... thats news to me since she was there when we picked it out. then she said... I didnt get a big fancy wedding either... Well it was her idea to elope... I wonder what else she settled on...
i never thought this would be a topic that would get this long..
On a different note.. i sent my elk ivory ring along to get a half size larger as well. The dude said it was some odd form of metal, not pure silver because it was oxidised, WTF??
Need a counceler ? You wouldn't be the first married couple I've talked too ;)

truth is, People "SAY" alot ofthings. People do Alot of things. We also forget why we did things sometiems and need constant reminders. the people in the Dimond industry marketed their product for jsut that reason :D

the best thing to do is sit down and tell her you love her and wantto make her happy. Ask whhat she really wants and to make a list. tell her that you'll do what you can to get those done and give her a list of things you'd really like. Not only will it be fun doing things you didn't know.... but you'll get todo things you wouldn't have done.... that advise is Free, the next bit will cost ;)

What ? a new Ivory ring ? so does this means it cheapens the Hunt you went on ... ;)

good luck in whatever you decide. I think I covered everything but I'll jump out for others to input now ...... !!

DID ya follow the Flow chart ?
no i didnt follow it... it was fun to read and i know you spent hours making it but i didnt follow it.
I just thought that she would have had the same views as your sister. He Mo, if things dont work out between you and your hubby, give me a call ;)
Truth is she gets pretty much what she wants anyway. Both of us do, and we are both careful spenders. You can call me cheap, or whatever but i still like the idea of getting a different ring rather than change the one she has had for over a decade. I also think if she thinks it is too small it should stand as a reminder how far we have come. Back when we got married i was living paycheck to paycheck, and she was just out of Nursing school with a huge collage loan to pay off. She can say what she wants, she was happy with it back then.
Really give her something to be happy about, give her a new ring, but do it in a re-affirmation ceremony. We were at Walmart yesterday and a gal had heavy gold from the top of the knuckle to where her hand met her finger, must have been four or five rings jammed into that small space and they were all thick with gold and diamonds...
I am guessing seperate rings, same meaning.
Get her the rock. At the recent FNAWS auction a man bought his wife a big gaudy emrald ring for about 7K. A couple items later this guys wife bought the Montana sheep tag for him for 160K. Take care of your wife and she'll take care of you!
Quite the co-inky-dink...my wife's 40th bday is at the end of the month and our 15th anniversary is in June. When we got married we bought a very modest stone as that was both all we could really afford at the time plus the Mrs was never much into gaudy things. I asked her the other day if she would be up for an "upgrade" since times are better and she flatly said NO, maybe a different ring someday but that she doesn't ever want to alter the ring she was married with! Since she said a different ring...I'm now thinking new ring(s) and bases and perhaps a new rifle to put under them :D :D

That being said, I also like Del's idea a lot hump hump

I told the wife i hope she swallows to get a diamond like that
now thats funny!
Another Chicks Opinion

I say let it pass...:eave it alone, then if you feel like upgrading or buying her another ring that is larger so it on your anniversary... I would not let her push you around to much..

Or you may explain to her that it did hurt your feelings beause that is the original one... You give her a bigger rock and there will always be a even bigger rock then that she will want... It will never end.....

The only exception to what I am saying is if her Rock is so small that you can barely see it , then I would replace it, but Again I would make her wait tilt he next anniversary!!

That way the new rock/ ring will have meaning also!!!

Quite the "co-inky-dink" for sure! My wife's 40th is this year as well as our 15th aniversery. I'm very lucky that my wife is low maintence, and is not much into jewelry. See prefers live plants over dead flowers as well. Maybe I should book a his and hers sheep hunt for an aniversery present!
Schmalts, a lot of women have a hobby of getting jewelry, I think. I think Moosie's chart goes to #10 always, its just how you get there. I think you get the diamond and make an aniversary ring or necklace, etc. out of it, it would be great. Good luck getting it!

Why not tell her you'd rather go to Africa than get a ring, she if she leaves you or not? Go someplace where there are cheap good diamonds, is there such a place? Diamonds are going to be her hobby maybe?

Don't listen to me, but it sounds like she likes diamonds. One every few years, make a nice set of jewelry, put it in a wall safe or something neat like that, right behind the oryx mount maybe?
I wouldn't have a problem with her buying a new ring as long as it was with her money.

Does she pay for all your hunting trips? :confused:

I didn't think so. Ok, then why should you pay for her new diamond?

To me (and probably you) a diamond IS a waste of money. But if that's where she chooses to spend her money, no big deal. Just like to many women hunting is a waste of money. But we don't see it that way so that's where we spend (waste) our money.
I agree with everybody who says a new ring for a special occassion would be the best solution. As Ron White says, "Diamonds... That'll shut her up... for a minute!"

Paul- Congrats (in advance) to you and the Mrs. on both of your upcoming events!

Schmalts...Ol' Tom might be on to something, book a "diamond hunting" trip tothe dark continent and just happen to pack a couple of rifles with you...for protection of course!