Caribou Gear Tarp

Wife got her first bull!!

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Sako, don't worry about Wyodeerhunter, nothing in his post offends me and I don't take it that way either. Some of what he says is true but the fact remains, ORV use is a way of life in a lot of Alaska and most of the trails were made by the old timers accessing remote country for mining and other forms of exploration. Riding snowmachines in the winter does not destroy the land but the riders are the one's leaving behind so much junk and ruining the landscape. Wyodeerhunter, you can't prove he was riding off trail so why don't you let it go, we all know how much you and a few others hate orv's but there's no need to get nasty with folks about it. As an aside, you keep saying "up here", do you live in Alaska or Wyoming?
Wyo....Get off your friggen high horse man.

Sorry my horse is actually short. It's a blm mustang. I thought you would know that being from WY.

Were you there? Again, were you there? Were you standing there watching what we did do? Were you standing there with a radio of your own listening to what we did stay? Were you? NO you fuggin were NOT!!!!

Are the cops there when someone gets murdered? Nope. The evidence points to your wrong doing.

One thing I was taught when growing up was to stay out of others business.

Too bad you didn't learn ethics growing up. And its not "your business" when its MY public land.

Think your holyier than the almighty because you supposedly walk or ride horseback while hunting and NEVER use your truck or an ATV or motorcycle?

Did I ever say that I do not use a truck or atv? I just know howto use mine in a RESPONSIBLE matter.

This is what I think of you and your chronies on here. Your all a bunch of hypocrites. You sit there and complain about wells and the roads to them. Yet EVERY single one of you drive a vehicle that burns gasoline or diesel. Where does that come from??? Do you use propane in your trailers, cook stoves, or BBQ's? Guess where that comes from. Natural gas and oil. It is what it is folks, nothing more, nothing less. Dang that industry for feeding and housing and providing thousands upon thousands of families. There are things about it I dont like either but I am willing to give and take.

Wow put down the liquor bottle. I guess we do not have to wonder what trade you work in.

You sit here and complain about us riding an ATV on a dirt road.

OFF the dirt road.

Whoopie, the road is already there, the damage is done and was done many of years ago.

So you are saying because the land has been damaged in the past we should keep on damaging it? That makes a lot of sense:rolleyes:

No, the game warden that checked us didnt tell us the area is over populated by almost a thousand elk.

Which game warden? Dave or Dwayne? I can't wait to talk to them on monday. Which one was it? Please do tell.

You think your something special now?

Special? Hell yeah. I can hunt without destroying the land. That makes me special.

You want a major award for walking somewhere?

Not a major award, but I'll take a 233 3/8" buck....

Someone give the man a cookie

Doubled stuff oreo's please.

I hope my kids grow up to be just like you.

I can't believe you found the right hole.

I am so impressed with your incredible knowledge

Thank you.

Like Evanston for instance. I live there you stupid shit! Why dont you come there and show me where everyone is out riding their ATV's and ruining all the land. I would like to know because there is not a good place to go ride in Evanston and if there is, I want to go there. I usually travel hundreds of miles to enjoy my hobby. There is nowhere that supports what you say around Evanston at all. So should I believe what you say about Ak either? NOPE sorry I dont.

Do you know why you have to travel hundreds of miles? ( I didn't know rock springs was HUNDREDS of miles). You have to travel because all you atv guys ruined your access to areas around Evanston. 1 pointer hit it square on the head. Landowners around there are not putting up with it anymore. For you living in Evanston you sure don't know much about whats going on around there. Probably because your too busy tearing up public land somewhere.

I would gladly show you around Evanston and show you the damage but it would be a waste of my time. Why don't you just go do it yourself? I'll give you directions. Drive either NORTH SOUTH OR EAST for 15 miles and get looking around. You will see it.

You hate sledders it sounds like. Boy I hope you never look in my garages because your going to freaking die when you see the number of sledds in there. I ride sledds more than I do ATV's or in my rail. NEVER have I seen anything that supports what you say about sledders and the garbage they supposedly leave all over. Broken parts, ya I can see that and have seen that. When someon takes a good digger, parts go flying. You try to every piece thats burried in the snow. It cant be done. Sorry, thats just the way it is. But wait, have I ever seen a piece of windshield kill off a herd of deer or elk? NOPE. So when you see all this garbage and debris, are you the outstanding citezen you claim to be and pick it up and haul it out?

See pictures below. Picture number one is of the cans we packed out. There were hundreds more but we didn't have room for them. I also included a pic of a snow machine we found back there. We also found tons of gas cans, 50 lbs of ice melt, hoods, windshields, coats, hats and other various parts.

So yes I am one of those guys that packs it out. Sadly for me I usually do not have that much room because I am packing out a critter too. See I don't just drive to stuff I kill.....

Thats enough said. Picasso (thats a famous painter for those of you with no culture because you cant watch TV or read a book at night because you have no power because you had it shut off because of the rivers had a damn built in them to make power)

HAHAHAHA and now you are trying to sound educated. Picasso? That is the best you could do? Come on man you can do better than that.

Look good and hard at those pics. If you want me to I can dig up some atv abuse pics too. But I'm a busy man right now. I'm getting everything ready to fly back to WY for two weeks.


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BTW thats Indian Larry in the last pic. Not me. You will not catch me on a sled.

Thanks schmalts for keeping this thread here. I would like to unregistered people to see it....

There are more lurkers than posters..

Nosich tell Ben about this thread. He will love it.
I am not going to delete the thread because if there is truth to the accusations it should stay, but I am locking it so it will be further discussed in the SI section where the real bickering should be taking place. If Moosie wants to unlock it he can, but I volunteered to moderate the elk section so I guess I need to do that much. I allow name calling and stuff, but this has gone to a level that should be discussed in SI.
Wyodeerhunter you have a PM
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