Whose Land Is it

Quiensabe, some people don't want to see it and other's don't want anyone else to understand those fact's you posted .
It doesn't fit in with there anit-ranching,anti-use,radical greenie agenda.
Check out the link's being supplyied by some of the biggest supporters of anti-ranching.
Follow some of those site's and come up with the leaning of the poster's that supply's them.
Link's to site's like
(The Forest Quardians,they support a zero-logging stance on public lands,as well as the hate all ranching stance)Lets not forget Jon Marvel and his Wester Watership Project,the most out spoken low life rancher hater in Idaho ,OH and last but not least we shouldnt forget link's to the best site of all


Any so called "hunter" that support's and link's us to site's that support Vegetarianism and other far-out thing's like those site's link support's isn't someone I would call a friend of the hunting comminity.
This is still a hunting site isn't it?
It's real clear the path some of these out-spoken poster's would like to lead us down,and it sure dosn't look to me like the path to a hunting ,fishing and outdoor's lifestyle unless of course your the type that like's the hand's off approach some of these radical green group's spout.
I have to ask myself,how many of these environmental org.that we have been given link's to support hunting,fishing,gun ownership?
How many of the link's posted take the anti-hunting,anti-gun ownership stance and which one's are the right one's for the hunter/firearm owner's to be backing?
The way I see it there is a big difference in supporting good sound land managment/wildlife managment over some of this radical anti-ranching,zero-logging,pro-vegetarianism stuff that some people have slipped into defending on a regular basis.
Can you say green agenda brain washing?
What amazes me is how a "hunter" could defend public lands grazing when it:

1. Costs the taxpayers annually over 20 million dollars.

2. Destroys wildlife habitat and has degraded BLM lands to the point that 60% of all BLM lands are in POOR CONDITION and 90% of riparian areas on BLM lands are in POOR CONDITION.

3. Creates inequity within the ranching community and forces small operators plumb out of the ranching business...which leads to small operators selling to developers.

Also, I have to question ones hatred for Jon Marvel, when all he's doing is forcing ranchers to adhere to law that was enacted with the blessing of the United States Citizens. How dare anyone have the audacity to enforce existing laws!
How dare Jon Marvel outbid a rancher on a lease so that the state or feds make more money...we wouldnt want that, might actually cut into the DEFICIT spending or make more money for PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Them damn kids dont need more money for school items
Oh and those pesky teachers make too much money too, the last thing they need is a raise

But the positive side: welfare ranching is alive and well.
"The way I see it there is a big difference in supporting good sound land managment/wildlife managment over some of this radical anti-ranching,zero-logging,pro-vegetarianism stuff that some people have slipped into defending on a regular basis."

Buzz,with all the good stuff we know is out there,and you have said it yourself (that some logging ,grazing done right can be a good thing)then why would anyone support org. that are out to stop most of the thing's we love to do?
If we can support good org. that support grazing & logging and also defend hunting and firearm ownership why would we be posting links to some of them most radical anti-org. there are?????????
If you are a meat eater,firearm owner,hunter,fisherman how do you support such org. that have link's to stop all of that???
Are you saying these link's that Ithaca has posted are good for the hunter?
Are supportive of firearm ownership?
Are supportive of landowner right's?
If we want to stop welfare ,I would think we should start with the welfare people that don't put anything back ,like all the welfare program's that support women for cranking out more kid's.
If part of my taxe's goes out to support people that are working and putting something back into the system over those that are truly welfare queen's I see nothing wrong with that.
I also see no balance in some of the link's that have been posted ,they promote anti-agenda's.
If that's the stuff you are made of ,that is the type of link's a person will post and support.
I havent seen you post link's that support vegetarianism.
But how do you feel about (The Forest Guardian's)?
I think they are the one's that tryed chasing the wolve's away from the cattle by camping out , singing song's & making noise.
I'll bet they weren't singing hunting related theme song's .

Jon Marvel ,is a nasty dirty player that has come right out and stated his HATE for rancher's his goal of breaking them and his methiod of going about it,and not all of them are honest,he has stated it many time of TV.
I can't think of a worse person to put my support in ,and then turn around and talk about ethics or moral's,or the lack or them in other group's.
Not when there are other org. that try to that the honest,moral approch while haveing regard for other people's live's.
Buzz, no true hunter could ever defend welfare ranching. No fiscally responsible person could defend it. Nobody who considers themselves a political conservative could defend it.

Only people who have something to gain financially or who have some kinda hidden agenda that is contrary to good conservation can even try to defend it. Actually, even they can't defend it. All they ever do on this board is make excuses for it.

Oh, there are people who can try to defend it, but that's only because they aren't mentally capable of comprehending the fiscal, environmental, economic and social ramifications of it.

And there are people who are anti hunting and anti wildlife who can try to defend it as part of their hidden agenda. And there are probably some socialists who want to expand the welfare system who try to defend it.

But no hunter who is interested in preserving the future of hunting or wildlife for future generations could ever defend it with any degree of intelligence. The facts are too overwhelming.
nothing has destroyed the eco-system`s and habitat in southern az. more than the flood of illegal`s! and when you figure in the million`s of dollars in welfare that they take out w/out paying in to the system, well it sure sound`s like the same as welfare ranching.
To answer part of MD4M's diatribe: It never would have occurred to me that there was anyone at HT who does not have the intellectual capacity to look at any website on the Internet and figure out, for themselves, what is valid and what is not.

Anyone not capable of that probably shouldn't be looking at any news or information source.

Whatever happened to "The Challenge"?
BIA and BLM are both in the same Dept of INT. Overall they do a junk job of accounting and management. How else do you explain the $700+million the BIA can't account for that is owed out. The BLM, According to many, is so junky that they give away timber, give away grazing, give away nearly everything they touch,,,,, why do we still have them in managing our stuff?

For christsakes, why do you guys still defend such a junky outfit? IT/Buzz? why aren't you trying to change this whole f*ing system instead of just whining and bitching about the welfarerancher? The system is busted and you want to whine about someone using the system.
I'm working on that for a few years now IT. It has been really reinforced the idea to me that Demos are worse than Reps but neither are much good for the regular public person.
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