Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Who's taken big game with a handgun ?!?!

I have taken a few couse with a 30-30 contender 10" barrel...one couse with a .357 mag and a muley with a .243 striker....
Doe's a gopher with a 357, with a hydroshock count....Even if I could have eaten it. I would have had to scrape it into a bowl and made soup from what was left!!!... :D
I hunt about 90% of the time with handguns.

This last year was a good one for me. I got my moose with a FA 454. I called it in to about 45 yard and shot it once, It ran about 15 yards and started to jump a crossbuck/rail fence. He crashed right on top of the fence, broke all 3 rails.

I've taken elk, deer (whitetail and mulie) antelope and bears with handguns.
Moosie, I killed a 400 pound Black bear, with my S&W 57, .41 Magnum, 6" barrel, in the southern Sierra of Tulare County, Calif. He was treed and one round did the trick.

I also killed a forked horn Mule deer with my Ruger Blackhawk .45 Colt, my handload, in Utah, at about 35/40 yards.

Other than squirrels and rabbits with my .22 handguns, the two above are the extent of my handgun hunting adventures.

(Really, Moosie, that bear was 400 pounds: I'll have to show you the pix, the skull, and the rug, one of these days.)

An antelope and a black bear. But as I got older and was reducing the weight I was carrying, the handgun started staying at home. I've been thinkig about using it on doe deer or cow elk, haven't made the commitment yet though! -memtb
Elk: 5x6 taken with Smith and Wesson model 29 44mag with 6-3/4 barrel 240 grain hollow point.
Elk: 5x5 taken with Smith and Wesson model 29 44mag with 6-3/4 barrel 240 grain Winchester Black Talons. The shittiest bullet I have ever used on game bar none.
6 shots with little to no penetration.
Bear: 250 to 275 pound Blackie off from bait! Smith and Wesson model 29 44mag with 6-3/4 barrel 240 grain hollow point. One shot at 20 feet!
Wounded-Don't talk about it!

End result/got rid of gun!
I should have spent more time researching good loads!!!
:( :confused:
I have, just to try it, and I like bow hunting up close better. But, it might be better than now since I can't shoot the 44 very far and be accurate with it. What's a good 44 round for hunting, anybody know, I may get some and practice with that, someday, when I've got nothing else to do?
For lightly structured animals( whitetails,ect.) a jacketed bullet will work good. Although I never use a jacketed bullet for hunting, just my opinion!!
For any of the larger, heavier, and/or possibly dangerous game a heavy, 280+ grn. ( JD Jones offers a 320grn. for the 44 Mag.), hard-cast, wide metplat bullet is the only way to go. With handgun velocities energy from speed is not the lethal factor, its deep, straight penetration( preferably an exit wound). The object is to break as many bones, cut as many veins/ ateries, and damage as many vital organs as possible. For this you need deep penetration, usually not gotten with jacketed hand gun bullets which are designed to give quick expansion, thereby severly limiting penetration. Study what Larry Kelly( Magna-Port), and JD Jones(SSK Indutries)have to say about handgun hunting, I think their advice would be hard to beat.-memtb