white sulpher MT


Nov 11, 2015
South Dakota
Just back from White Sulpher Springs Mt. Took my sons on their first ever elk hunt with what I believe you call B tags? Cow only on bma or private land, no forest service. We ended up 1 for 2 which was acceptable I thought. Just wondering how others are doing in the same neighborhood or if we should have timed it different?

Chad Vis
Right time this year could be wrong next year. Elk are there when you find them.
My dad and brother went up last week with a friend and they should have all filled tags. I assume the same BMA you were on was the area where they went. They came home with one though. We are going up tomorrow morning and staying in town. I'm mainly just taking my family up to get out of Billings for a night and to hopefully at least see an elk this season.
How did it go for you starving? I miss the country already. Everyone we met in town and camping was good people.
How did it go for you starving? I miss the country already. Everyone we met in town and camping was good people.

Saw quite a few elk but most were inaccessible unless you could sweet talk some permission. A lot more were in the area I guess before I went. My dad had a chance at a 5 point bull that we randomly ran into after I heard some tree branches snapping and could see it walking in the small openings of the trees. Watched 3 crows mess with 3 bald eagles (One adult and 2 juvenile) in a tree near Fort Logan and then the adult and one of the Juveniles got in a mid air fight over the rodent or fish the adult had. I missed focus with my camera when that happened though. Kind of bummed. Was mainly a "get to know the area" trip for me since I have not really been over there in almost 20 years. Had troubles trying to get up to the Big Belts in some areas so we mainly stayed lower since my dad prefers that and had some permission to hunt on private down low. Was not much going on around the block management that I could tell aside from lots of hunters. I counted 12 less than a half mile from each other in a one area near the castles. Ate at the Branding Iron Cafe Saturday night. Was pretty tasty. I do like the area though. Nice being surrounded by different mountain ranges like that. I could retire in an area like that! :D
I was up in the little belts and didn't see an elk. Walked over 10 miles saturday morning and only cut 4 elk tracks that were headed into a steep and deep canyon. It was the worst I had done for elk in all the years I have hunted there. But then again I hunt the national forest with everyone else.
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