When do antelope water?


Active member
May 18, 2016
Are antelope more likely to come to water at any particular time of day, mornings, afternoons or evenings? How often do they need to water? I've never hunted over water but I may hunt archery next year and there's no way I could handle sitting in a blind all day. I might be able to handle a half day and picking the better half would be important.

I lived in Wyoming for several years and had water on my property just for the lopes. They would mostly come into water in the afternoon around 5:00. If there had been a lot of rain they would skip a day or two. They would bed on our porch in the shade and eat my wife's flowers. In the spring when they had their little goats they stayed very close to the house to keep away from the coyotes. They would come buy in the morning sporadically but the afternoon was the most consistent. However, I believe their water habits change with given locations. Hope that help.
One of the better questions on here. Been around antelope all my life and I do not know.

So they are a lot like me and water when they get thirsty. And so that means usually on Friday's after a long hard week at work I hit the watering hole.
Antelope can come at any time of day. I usually sit the whole duration. They are most active at a water hole or watering area (could be a creek) when they get the heat bearing down on them, and they have eaten. I've had them come by at first light, and at last too.
It's pretty much impossible to pattern when a particular buck or bucks water. There are a lot of factors....temperature, rut activity, last rainstorm, other available water sources, night time temps, if they happened to do some running....the list goes on. The best chance for being in a blind at the right time is to pick the longest string of hottest, driest weather and sit it out. They often don't water for a day or 2 so it may be a long wait. If you don't set up your blind well in advance of your hunt the majority of mature bucks will likely head to a different water source. I once waited almost an entire season for a particular buck I was interested in to water. I finally decided to rake around the waterhole right before dark to see what was going on. Come to find out that smart ole buck was watering at night! Night watering is pretty uncommon...but possible.

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