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whats your favorite


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Nov 23, 2003
gilbert , arizona
whats your favorite movie of all time? not just a movie thats a classic bad ass movie, like scarface, or the godfather, but your absolute favorite. i have to say "the big lebowski" is my all time favorite, its as funny today as it was when i first saw it...maybe funnier! what do you like? maybe i can get some ideas of good movies to watch, i just bought a DVD burner for my pc so i can copy one dvd (not a rented one of course...) to a blank one!!
the "Rambone" series, and "I cream of jeannie" part 1 and 2 are also highly recomended!
Starship Troopers!! It is wonderful!! Reminds me of Reading High School!!
I have been saying that "The Outlaw Josey Wales" is my #1. But I do believe that once I have the complete set of extended version DVD's of the Lord of the Rings that it will be my #1. (It is my fav book)
Tombstone......My personal favorite because of the lines like....I'll be your Huckleberry...or...What are you goona do stand there and bleed.....Why Johnny Ringo you look like you saw a ghost....I think I could watch that movie at least once a week for life. But Dumb and Dumber comes in a close second.
Braveheart is one of my favorites, even with the historical shortcomings.

Rumple Foreskin was pretty good!
Well, I draw on a few different movies for different moods in my life, and my favorite changes with the seasons...but for sheer enjoyment, today, I'd have to go with Wyatt Earp. (Sorry, Beardown, I liked Tombstone, but it was just a little too Hollywood for me.
) Other perennial favorites include Conan the Barbarian and Legends of the Fall. And, of course, LOTR. I thought Master and Commander was pretty good, too. See? I can't decide anything!
Oh My GOD! Beardown must be my long lost twin! as Tombstone and Dumb and Dumber are also my two favorites, but here is the snag GO ASU! HEHE
I'm with beardown here... Tombstone.. however I talk Ike Clanton's quadropal negative over all other one-liners in that movie.. "I don't take no lip from no bartender neither"
My favorite movie would have to be Fox and the Hound, and also Bambi. And did you know that you can actully hear teh mother hit the ground when she is shot????? You really can I heard it, and so did my dad.
But my favorite hunt movies are the ones put out by Berry Game Calls. They are really fair chase and clean hunting.
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Fast Times at Ridgemont High because it totally reminds me of High School, dude! Blazing Saddles is hard to beat though! "Where are all the white women?" LOL!
Well it is a toss up of these greats:

Jeramiah Johnson
Pale Rider
The Cowboys
The Outlaw Josie Wales
Saving Private Ryan
We Were Soldiers
Dumb & Dumber

I still need time to think about my all time favorite.
I saw a few of those movies in my Jr. High and High school history classes. I still can't figured out why we got to watch all the movies that were educational in history but in Spanish we would watch The Little Mermaid and other movies like that????
Either way we gotot watch movies...LOL

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