What's In Your Pack?

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
After carrying the same old Cabela's first aid kit in my pack for the last 15 years, I'm thinking it's time to replenish and upgrade. I'd really be interested in how you guys configure your first aid kit that you carry all the time, every hunt. Keep in mind I'm going to be carrying this everywhere so it can't get too heavy or knowing me it will stay at home. What is essential in your pack?
I've got an adventure medical kit in my pack but most of the contents are long gone, except the anti-diarrhea tablets. I generally refill with the most needed components: ibuprofen, bandaids, compress bandages, moleskin, tape, some alcohol wipes/baby wipes and antiseptic (generally neosporin). I've found a good ace bandage to be necessary a time or two as well.
I took a 6 pack of Coors (Bottles) into elk camp a few years ago. 5 miles up 5200 ft to 7300 ft. The guys laughed but didn't bitch one little bit about it.
I have a homemade first aid and emergency kit. There's the standards in their like neosporin and bandaids. I also have duct tape and super glue. 90% of the issues I've had in the woods were cured with duct tape and super glue.
Small pack of quickclot, Chapstick, couple Tylenol, couple ibuprofen, pepto tabs, 2 Zantac, couple pain pills, one prescription strength anti nausea pill. Don't bother with bandages as I have lots of stuff I could make into bandages. Same with a splint.
I can get some wicked heartburn/acid reflux so I always have some antacids in their. Other ibuprofen, duct tape and Tums, I don't think I've ever used anything out of my first aid kit. I keep the duct tape wrapped around a couple of water bottles. I still have the mondo size kit my wife bought me, but it doesn't make it to the pack very often anymore.
I also just start with one of the adventure medical packs of whatever size seems best and then add and subtract out of that as I use things or don't use things.

Generally chapstick, moleskin, etc.

I'm sure I could work up something cheaper and possibly trim a few items out, but the things only weigh like 7 oz and have a good variety of stuff that you may end up needing.

It's not in my first aid kit, but I do always carry several zip ties that could be used for a lot of medical emergencies.
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