Whatever happened to..?

Yeah. I guess if the site and it's members doesn't fit every personal criteria you feel it needs to, it is time to move on. Maybe to someplace everybody thinks just like you do. mtmuley

It wasn't "taking a shot" at anybody. I noticed and have missed members input that choose not to engage. I never implied anyone hasn't been "strong enough". mtmuley

how else are we supposed to interpret what you said here?
We occasionally get wrapped into it or we continue on to another post/thread, take a break for any sort of life reasons, change names for fun or..., or delete accounts - some with a new account opened to lurk as needed.

Around the internet fire we sit. If in person, half the crap talk would not occur.

In the end, this is the best site for hunt conservation chat, jokes, finance, fishing, photos, videos with a general like-mindedness that is the great outdoors.
Bit of humor.
I think many of the good things in the world of hunting and conservation that have happened, or will happen, have direct throughlines to this place. I value most folks here, as well as those who've moved on.

I do agree, this site tethers many friendships and is the frontline for many valuable discussions.

In the end, this is the best site for hunt conservation chat, jokes, finance, fishing, photos, videos with a general like-mindedness that is the great outdoors.

Without a doubt. I mean, without HT, there would not be the legend of HTM. Thankfully there are enough members left around on this forum from that moment in HT history to keep the legend alive with a reference every now and then.
I have entertained leaving social media and the internet many times. That said, I can identify a fair amount of richness it's added to my life - knowledge, relationships, and realtime-awareness I am grateful for.
Took on-and-off breaks from social media through school, during election cycles, and particularly in the months leading up to the bar exam. I probably have saved a few friendships by not knowing what people post online at times. I also see all of this as an indispensable tool to learn how people think. I've been trained to analyze the world through certain lenses, and it is always good to try and see it from other views. Helps to both disagree and agree when push comes to shove.

When I was far younger, I always thought it was fun to get near a porcupine and watch the quills come up. HT is also a good place where one can prod the proverbial porcupine.
Maybe for some.

I think for most it’s just a complete lack intellectual discourse anymore, well exampled by a comment like this.

And with so little of value going on anymore, why waste the brain space and time anymore and just delete the thing and move on?

Maybe we’re all just extra worn out for some reason and the off season has been long? I dunno.

I want keep my ear to the ground on conservation topics, maintain the potential to meet some cool folks. And, I do feel there is still good opportunity to learn here, even if rarely anymore. So, I’m not going anywhere.

But if there no good write ups this fall I’m the hell out of here for sure 😉
Maybe their wife is having a baby and cannot spare the time. Or she won't let him handle his own man card.
I miss all the guys at Rokslide cause they banned me there for being too legit I guess.

Oh no wait I don't, Ryan Avery is a self-important blowhard who's scared of recoil cause the jarring force reminds him too much of when his wife pegs him.
Every once in awhile I read some people’s comments on here and all I think is….man that is oddly specific
I don't mean the laughter as if it's funny he left. I liked his input whether I agreed or disagreed.
Why delete versus merely leave is beyond me.
Maybe trying to make a statement (?).
Yeah I'm not a fan of how the content goes to "deleted member" because I did often respect a lot of input that wllm, avid, whatever his handle is now put into conversations and the history of that is gone if I reread something
I don't mean the laughter as if it's funny he left. I liked his input whether I agreed or disagreed.
Why delete versus merely leave is beyond me.
Maybe trying to make a statement (?).
Some people get the boot, some leave because of others, some leave when they have better things to do. I think the latter in this case. Young family has a lot to do with it.

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