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What should we hunt and film?

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
We are putting together the 2010 hunts to film. We have to film 13 episodes, and no more than 3 can be archery hunts.

Looking for input of what guys would like to see. By species and weapons types.

Personally, I would like to see some bighorn sheep hunts, which would mean I would draw a tag, but looking for realistic input. The species we have a chance to film, given tag draws and OTC hunts would be elk, mule deer, whitetails, antelope, turkey, and black bear.

If you had to put together a schedule of 13 hunts, what would be the mix of hunts you would want to see. Curious what you guys think.

I am thinking:

6 elk (1 being archery)
3 mule deer (1 being archery)
2 antelope (1 being archery)
1 whitetail
1 black bear

I would probably stop doing turkeys and leave that to the guys who are good at it. And, keep whitetails to a minimum, knowing that there are 300+ other shows doing those to a point of saturation.

If we drew a moose, goat, sheep, or went to AK for moose or caribou, I would probably drop an antelope hunt (begrudgingly) or possibly drop an elk hunt.

Do you think 2 black bear hunts is too many? They would both be spot and stalk. Lots of guys doing the baited bear hunts, so I won't be doing those. These would be spot and stalk.

If we went to AK and did moose and caribou in one big trip, do you think we could make three episodes 1) caribou, 2) moose, 3) logistics and explanation of how you can hunt Alaska without a guide? Most my emails are people asking for more information, but the industry experts say that TV is to entertain, not inform, so not sure if we could make the third component work.

Would like to hear opinions, knowing that tags drawn determine this schedule more than anything.

Thanks in advance for any input you are willing to provide.
Elk are becoming the 'new' whitetail on TV shows. It seems everyone is hunting elk now. I personally feel you SHOULD do another turkey episode. Part of what I enjoyed about last season's episode WAS the fact that you guys weren't experts and didn't just sit under a tree and kee kee a couple times and poof, out popped a 10 in bearded gobbler. I have to agree (under protest from my real feelings) that the planning show probably wouldn't go over well with most of the audience watching TV wants the 'horn porn'. I honestly feel it would be an awesome episode and one that I would love to see, but we are in the minority of the watching populous. Antelope are one of the 'classic' animals that people from back east think about when they think of this part of the country, so I would keep both of them. I would love to see an AK episode, 2 would be even better and would rather lose a couple elk episodes in the process.

That's just my little opinion
I vote for the following:
5 elk (2 being archery)
4 mule deer (1 being archery)
2 antelope
1 whitetail
1 black bear

Elk are my favorite but I think the open terrain and scenery of a public lands mule deer hunt makes for great video and warrants 4 of these type hunt.

Given a choice of archery antelope vs. archery elk; it's hard to beat a rut elk hunt.

Sheep, Mountain goat, and Moose trump all.
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I love turkey hunting, but for some reason I'm not a big fan of watching it on tv. I usually don't like bear hunts either, but I enjoyed your episode last year. I'd watch as long as you stick with spot and stalk. I like the idea of the three episode series in AK, but you're probably right about that not being a popular idea with most viewers. I agree with Longbow about tacking on another bow hunt for elk rather than using one of them for antelope. I can't get enough of bugling bulls.
I like the idea of moose, mtn goat and sheep if you draw---

I like the idea of Alaska also----

also I'd like to see a real back pack hunt---strap it on and go.........

here's a list to think about:

spot & stalk with bow or rifle: no order of preference

black bear
wild boar--use of dogs not mandatory
mtn lion--use of dogs not mandatory
himalayan snow @#)(# in the Ruby Mtn's of Nevada---

What your doing sounds good to me. Safe. Wouldn't it be neat if you could be the first to film yourself calling in a wolf, or in some other method of getting one? Maybe add some other predator hunting in with that. This isn't a safe OYOA type hunt for sure. It could be outstanding though. Hopefully the hunts will continue. The wolf is all I hunted this season, and I didn't get one. Just learned, a few things. I did enjoy the hunt for sure though. I would also love to see Fin on a snowmobile, then hoping off and chasing after hounds up a steep canyon, in the dead of winter. There's great hunting right out your back door, although our area's over here in Western Montana are draw. You would have all this down time to film. Most areas over here are all still good to go. I've always done things the hard way though, probably not smart when it comes to filming for a show.
I like the idea of a coues deer hunt, but realize that getting close to them is not always easy. I think it would make a great episode, but I also think it would be tough to pull it off.

Under-rated deer hunt IMO, but very attainable for the DIY guys.
All good ideas so far. One other thing I have to keep in mind is that it needs to be "achievable" by the traveling hunter. That usually means no hounds or no horses.

Backpack hunt is coming up this year. I think you guys will like that one.

Coues deer is one I really would like to film, but they make for tough filming. Small animals, in thick brush, and hard to get close to. Makes for less than compelling footage.

Also thinking of Sitka Blacktails. Used to see them while commercial fishing in SE AK, and they always intrigued me.

Wolf - Oh yeah. Just need to make sure the quota is not filled by the time I get back to MT this fall. I would spend every extra filming day trying to film one, if I had the time and the quota was open.

Lion seems like it would be a lot of fun, but not sure how "achievable" that is for the average viewer, and I get bored watching those hunts, even though I think it would be a blast to hunt one.

Two archery elk episodes? Hmmm. Those are so damn hard to get good footage of and be succesful, on public land. You guys are setting me up for frustration and failure. But, I would love to do it. Might happen, depending upon what tags we draw.

When you see the episode of archery antelope with me and Bugler from last year, I think you will find archery antelope to be pretty compelling. I have seen the second draft and think it is very, very, good. If we could replicate that episode on every archery antelope hunt, we would have demand to do one every year.
Sitka blacktail would be a snap...aint hard getting close to them. Could mix in some sea duck shooting and maybe even a halibut being pulled from the waters around Kodiak.
I can't get enough Elk and Mule Deer. Every week I set my DVR to record everything with those in the subject and title.

Don't do another antelope archery hunt where you sit in a ground blind by a water hole for days until a decent buck comes in. If you want to film an archery antelope try to stalk it/set up behind a Montana Decoy(s) or do a flagging setup.

Don't loose the whitetail hunt. I really liked your hunt last year. I hunt whitetails from tree stands and blinds all the time and the only thing more boring than sitting in a stand or blind all day, is watching it on TV! I don't even watch those shows anymore and I love to hunt whitetail. I like to see alternative ways and country to hunt whitetails. Just a thought, but I have hunted very open country around river bottoms and during the rut mature bucks like to push their does(harems) out into very open country which most people would never consider whitetail areas.

Turkey hunting is fantastic fun! Every year it's not until about this time when I really feel the Turkey urge. Big Game is behind you and is a lot of the time a painful memory. It is warmer and the best thing is you don't have to worry about smell! Turkey hunting in highly pressured or sparse areas can be quite frustrating. Come on down to Oklahoma and you'll hear more gobbles than you have ever heard in your life!
I would love to see a 2 series moose/Bou hunt in AK that seems to be on everyones list of to do's before they get to old. I would also recommend doing it by a float trip VS a drop camp you would get new landscape footage and adding better odds to your hunt IMO

As for your other list bring on the mule deer !!
I would second the idea of 1-2 less elk hunts and 1 more mule deer hunt. My vote would be-
4 elk(1 archery)
4 mule deer(1 archery)
2 antelope(1 archery)
1 whitetail(even if everybody else is filming whitetail, they don't do it on your own)
I would keep the turkey as well, last year's show was enjoyable to watch.
1 bear.
If you did do 2 Alaska shows, drop 1 elk and 1 mule deer.
Whatever you guys end up doing, I'm sure it will be fun to watch.
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For my personal tastes, an even mix of elk/mulies/antelope/bear would be great. I wouldn't even mind extra bear, they might be my favorite. For commercial purposes I think you're pretty dialed.
If you do a whitetail hunt keep it in the West. I think Javelina would be kind of cool too. But for my money a good Muley hunt is hard to beat!!!

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