Caribou Gear

What Happened to Some of Ithaca's Posts?


New member
Oct 11, 2003
T Falls, MT
What's the matter IT,

Going to cut and run on your boy Dean? I would too if I were you. Right now his stock is tanking, Big Time! You have to give credit to Bush. He's been under a lot of preasure and critisism, and never flinched. He stayed the course, and now the world is a better place for it. Take a look at what a true Leader is.

I agree, that Bush has handled the post 9-11 scenario better than what his opposition would have and better than I thought he would. For that I commend him.

On the other hand, there are aspects of his presidency that I think could have been done much better. It's all a compromise. IMO, he's been a decent president overall.

Your starting to look like a Bush in 04 man. True? Welcome to the good side of the force.

What do you think about Ithaca cutting and running on his hand picked candidate? Wasn't very "stand by your man" of him was it?

Paul- I wouldn't go that far yet. I'll have to see who runs against him. Might be an Independent canidate worth wasting a vote on!
If it's between Bush and Dean I may not even make it to the polls.

I didn't know Ithaca cut and ran?

Sure you were hunting! Hunting for a new candidate!


I wouldn't worry about Dean running against Bush. Deans toast. All that babble about Bush possibly knowing about the September 11th attacts in advance is only going to sit well with the extreme left fringe. Guy's like Ithaca, Buzz, and Yuke. And Yuke can't vote!

Notice Buzzy has never vote for Republican or Democrat in any presidential election to date (his words), yet has voted in every election. What kind of party would appeal to a guy like Buzz? Would that party start with a C? If thats the case, talk about pissing away your vote and making yourself completely irrellevent.

Even IT is smart enough to distance himself from Howie right now. Remember his topic praising Dean for his stance on Guns. Where did it go? Ask IT what happened to his thread.


Yep, you're right, I never have voted for either of the front runners in an election...thats what I said, remember?

No, my vote isnt wasted. Having the right to vote is more important than voting for a loser or winner of a Presidential election. I've stated many times, I cant and wont vote for the lesser of evils, I want a choice that I can feel confident will represent my issues. I havent been given that choice yet. Besides that, I think its more important to elect good representatives from your home state...they have a better grasp on the local issues that are much more important to me, personally.

I have voted for lots of each party when it comes to representatives and state and local elections.

Oh, and its not about party lines or belonging to a party. I believe that its uninformed and ridiculous and actually irresponsible to vote straight party line...something I'm sure you and Rush both do.

Only 40 minutes until you can tune in your favorite a.m. radio personality, you know the source of your political info.
Sorry Buzz,

I don't get Rush around here, and even if I did, I wouldn't listen, because I don't care much for him. I do listen to O'Reilly, and like O'Reilly, I'm also an Independent.

I'm also sorry to hear you can't find any major candidates that conform to your views enough to suit you. But I suspect that that is a good thing for the rest of the country!

You must be referring to good old Rushbo. He's a poster child for the far right, ain't he? I saw a written account of one of his rants where he stated that, despite the fact that he is always telling people to live right, him being addicted to illegally obtained pain killers didn't make him a hypocrite. Apparently, his dictionary and mine must differ on the definition of that word...
Yeah, Paul, I agree it does suck to not have a major candidate to vote for.

I just cant bring myself to be a self-serving, crooked, lieing, cheating, etc. individual.

If I could stoop that low, I'd gladly cast my vote for a similar person, because thats all the choice I've had.

Its tough finding a candidate when you believe in something as simple as honesty.

Joe Lieberman appears to me to be a very honest man. I don't think I'd have a problem voting for him, how about you?

Buzz, are you starting to notice that the ranting from both you and Yuke are sounding one in the same. It is obvious he hates America, could it be possible that you do too?

Paul, no I dont hate thing going by far, by a longshot.

But, I dont have a problem with pointing out the corruption in our system.

Thats precisely why things arent dealt with correctly.

I know you don't have a problem pointing out the corrution in our system. Every system has corruption, so why do you continue to beat a dead horse? Ever think about pointing out a few good things once in a while? I dare you! What about Joe?


I find those guys entertaining and do listen to them occasionally. But like listening to Yuke and Buzz go off on their tangents, after a while it just starts to become tiresome, and I end up turning it off. I think you might learn something by listening to O'Reilly instead of just being entertained, and he does share much of Savage's, and Humphrey's ideology when it comes to the issue that is most important to you. H e has even interviewed Mike on his show before and it was good. Give him a try.

I'm not all that impressed with Dean or any other Dem. that's been cackling lately. Lieberman would be a thought, but I don't think I could listen to any address he would give. IMO, his speaking style is almost as bad as GW's and that's not saying much.
Now, Evan Bayh would be someone I could vote for. He did great things in IN in just two terms as gov.

I'll just hold my vote for 10-15yrs when I can start voting for myself!

I'm with you on Lieberman's speaking style, or lack there of it. It's a shame because I think he's a good man. Just not electable. But with the recent events, I would not be completely shooked if he gets the Democtratic nomination.

BHR, "Even IT is smart enough to distance himself from Howie right now. Remember his topic praising Dean for his stance on Guns. Where did it go? Ask IT what happened to his thread."

Here it is. You're just too stupid to find it.

Now, what was all your yapping about?
I really can't be wasting any more time reading or answering your posts. Sorry, you're just too feeble minded.

I see your topic got suffled way back behind all the topics ELKCHSR brought forward. My bad. SORRY.
