Welcome Fellow NAHC Members



Glad to see you here! Found this site a couple years ago when I was looking for a home. Been back here occasionally but plan to become a fixture. These folk are great. They are a bit smaller in numbers than the visitors at NAHC; but, make up for it in friendly!!
Oscar, or Moosie, and I have chatted via e-mail and these boards occasionally and I'll tell you boys and girls I like what I see. We too have had our disagreements; but, Moosie is adult enough to overcome his ego, and his is earned not bestowed, and present fair, rational arguement rather than pompous rhetoric or pure fabrication. I know you will like it here; give it a chance. Talk to your other friends and get them to at least drop in and see what is happening in here. Some may become regulars as well. With respect to NAHC I would like for you guys to do me one small favor. Please remember that the "Members" of NAHC are club members in title only. They are the life's blood of "YOUR" informal organization and have absolutely nothing to do with the corporate structure of the NAHC, NAOG corporate enterprise. Please don't do anything that will damage those folk or cause NAHC/NAOG to cause them grief. This thing between NAHC and me is a private matter, I believe a "personal" matter between me and Mr Douglas McDougal, that will be resolved through the proper channels. I want to thank all of you for your support and ask that you continue to provide that support to "all" our brother and sister members; regardlesss of their politics or the color of their money. I also want you to know that I was not provided any advance warning prior to being banished nor was I asked to delete any "offensive post." I was not given a reason for being banished either nor for that matter any notification that I had in fact been banned. The "Only" reason I can think of for being banished and for the Miscellaneous Board to be pulled is that I did publicly ask to be appointed as Moderator to the Miscellaneous Board. I believe that Mr. McDougal did not wish to approve that request nor did he wish to publicly disapprove that request in view of the public support received. I have been over the user's agreement with a fine toothed magnifying glass and believe me; none of my posts on the miscellaneous board violated that agreement. Others, posted by members who have not been banned do violate that agreement. Again, thank you for your support and enjoy your time spent here. I know I am certainly going to!!
Hey Paws, Yukon Hunter suggested visiting this sight as an alternative the Misc board.so right now i am just cruising around looking things over. I think you got HOSED over at the NAHC site. Although things got a little heated over there and i asked for some apologys for some of the language used, i want you to know that i was not the one that complained to Webby. At least they said that they had some complaints.and that is why they took the thing off for a couple of days. i hope this is a place where a guy can speak his mind without fear of censorship.
Hey Nick and Brushy!
Sorry Nick; didn't see your last question. I'll go look for it. Whil I can not post I am still able to read the information being posted there. I'll obviously use that to my maximum advantage. As a matter of fact; "I can not believe" NAHC actually posted that "explanation! You know; the one that calls the BB a "Member Benefit and states a "policy" for editing, deleting, and banishment!
Sheesh, is somebody's attorney going to be upset with management!
LOL I love it!!
Brushy, the Miscellaneous board was getting a bit warm; but not overheated. I didn't see anything on it worth complaining about other than possibly those who were getting the most heat. That would have to be Elkmaster; but, I'm just guessing, not making accusations or pointing fingers. No, I think NAHC just seized the moment and ran with it. I'm not going to participate there any longer, but; I'm not going to leave empty handed either.
Whoooooaaaaaa NELLY !!! Let me set some things straight :

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Moosie is adult enough to overcome his ego, and his is earned not bestowed, and present fair, rational arguement rather than pompous rhetoric or pure fabrication. I know you will like it here; give it a chance <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Does that mean you're envious of my youth and Package size ? Because coming to a RedNeck Hunting board and Typing big words will only Get your 1. Butt Kicked. 2. People not responding because they have a hard time writing their own name (Ok, It's mostly me thats slow but there has to be another one around here too

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> i hope this is a place where a guy can speak his mind without fear of censorship. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Uhhhhh Censorship ? HUmmm Anything that's Adult orientated goes to the Adult section I have provided. Other then that Say what you want as long as it Praises me /.... Buuuahahaha .

DID Someone say GOAT ?!?! Thats my second love following sheep ....
Paws and YH.

Figured I'd get registered here while I could. Don't know how much longer I'm going to be "allowed" to express an opinion on NAHC, after my last few posts and E-mails to the Gods at corporate!

I'll try to keep it civil, not curse in front of the children, and be as polite as an ex jarhead can be.
I'm with GUNNER, What in the HELL can be so BAd that ya got banned ? DID you tell the Boss he's a DORK ? Thats about the Only thing around here that could get you banned
Come on, Someone post a Link and/or a Sniplet for MY Reading pleasure !!!!
Wells Paws had to come over here, your buddy continues to upset people over there. told him was a little old said I didn't have to read his posts then, then was obnoxious to CG.
Look at the rules they had over there....

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The NAHC reserves the right to delete any message for any or no reason whatsoever.

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, commercial advertising, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, specific in regards to religions or sexual orientation, or otherwise violative of any law. Any violations of this policy will result in an immediate deletion of the post and possible revocation of posting privileges.

Scotty.. .HElp me out, Im a Bit slow. Are ya FOR PAWS, or Against him

"You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, commercial advertising, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, specific in regards to religions or sexual orientation, or otherwise violative of any law. Any violations of this policy will result in an immediate deletion of the post and possible revocation of posting privileges. "

HEll, We'd have to Shut this place down if I posted that list
Beats the hell out of me Moosie! They won't tell me. But they will tell the judge. Last time we went through this they recanted, apologised, and I withdrew my complaint. This time I will file and it will not be withdrawn. Good chance that there will be a class action filed; we'll see. In any event, I'm here to stay until some dork throws me out!! :
Good to see you here Gunner! Hey how come noone invited Elkmaster over??
YH we will have our chance here. Tell you one thing about Moosie; if you don't see it, tell him about it. If he can make it happen, it happens. I'll be happy to debate with you YH. Open up something over in Sportsman's Issues and let's see what happens!
And remember Kanuk, just cause I wipe my butt on maple leaves doesn't give you the right to wipe yours on the stars and bars!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-07-2003 19:58: Message edited by: pawclaws ]</font>
"meout!!" Are you A CAT NOW ?!?!

Does this Mean if I bann you in the future you'll sue me too
Ohhhh I'm scared now

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