Want your "own private Colorado?" How's $5/acre sound?

A nation has to keep utilizing it's natural resources to keep the money flow moving to collect outside dollars to make the world go around, or it will collapse in upon itself financially. No different than if you as an individual didn't draw dollars from outside sources to keep your life running...
I'll gladly take my spanking when you all give up your mined materials
YOU, ME and EVERYONE ON THIS PLANET are directly related to the problems associated with mining, its not all the mining companies fault. If you didn't buy the products made from their raw materials then they wounldn't have to mine would they??? The laws they follow are set forth but the governing entities elelcted by the People (YOU AND I)!

Gunner, The GS is on borrowed time... The proven reserves mean just that proven. Just because they'er proven doesn't make them economical to mine wouldn't you think that they would have gone after them when they were activly mining in the area if they were really worth the effort of getting, maybe higher gold prices have alowed them to go for them who knows??? The company is possibly willing to mine at a loss to prevent shut down and reclamation. They're milking that permitt for all thats left untill closing day. They're just praying that the cyanide ban gets lifted so they can continue opperations, on a new permitt.

Basically everything that a mine does has to be approved by the state DEQ. If they mined though the water table then the state knew about it, and OK'ed it. "According to an expert" You tell me if one guy knows more about the operations of that mine than the 100 people involved with its economical opperatoin.

I think you would be pretty hard pressed to find a mine that doesn't go through the water table... 70% of your power comes from one of those big bad type of mines that mine directly IN THE WATER TABLE!!! Spank! Spank!

Even the reserch YOU found states the the bond is enough to clean up the mine under state and federal laws (right now)... If they can't go the "no pit" route then they'll clean up the rest of it too. If the legistlation is passed I have no doubt that they will clean it up. Placer Dome is a huge multi billion dollar company and have to much at stake in NV and Canada and other countries to just go "bankrupt". Take a drive by Whitehall and tell me what you see... The south and west dumps have been capped and reclaimed... It was huge probably close to a square mile or more of reclamation... The biggest impacts left are the pit, which the are actively mining, the tailing ponds and the last dumps.

The bond calculation dosn't take into account the areas that GS has all ready relcaimed. It takes into account the entire property as unreclaimed. It's very hard for a mining company to get areas released from their bond. The only one that has ever had a total realease of areas from bond is Jacobs Ranch in WY.

So that means that all the reclamation that GS has done doesn't come off their bond. So in reality their bond is growing to cover the costs to reclaim the remaining areas.

Golden Sunlight is far from being the next "super fund" site. Thier bond covers everything except blasting down the high walls and filling the pit...

The only serious problem associalted with project is the water run off, but in reality that isn't that big of an issue... $100 million in a 100 years??? Does that take into account the time value of money? I'm sure since it came from green pinkos then it has to, they have to make it sound like a gajilloin dollars... Lets just assume the standard inflation rate on a total of $100 mill for a 100 years... do a little money valuatoin and tell me how much its going to be the first year of closure... Now tell me for a multibillion dollar company, is that really a lot of money?

The economical reasons behind the "no pit" are quite substancial. A mine would pay as much to mine as they would to reclaim. Under the "no pit" rule they would esentialy have to mine deposites which have twice the oz/ton to make the same amount of money... Those deposites are very far and few between! You could probably cut out 80% of the mines in opperatoin today! Could you imagine cutting out 80% of the goods you have right now or just doubling the amount you pay for them?

Do you want any companies to make a proffit? Or shoud every one of them just do it for the sake of doing it. Thats what they do in China... I'm sure you could move there they like peole who think like that!

I agree that mining should strive to make as little of an impact on the environment as possible, but on the other hand when is so little become a problem with the rest of the worlds lifestyle? Is it better to put mining companies out of bussiness in the US and have out of country companies mine products for us (you and I) with absolutely no laws governing the environment?
Bambi, you said that unless we give up our mined materials, we have no right to complain. I'd argue just the opposite. The fact that we CAN'T give up all our mined materials should GIVE us the right to complain. I think that if I've got to use it and pay for it, I should have a say in how it's obtained.

You have every right to say how its obtained but what about what the rest of the populatoin has to say??? They could give a rats ass about some little mine in the middle of nowhere MT as long as their TV doesn't cost $3,000
That was very well stated Bambi....
Most of those that are against every thing that this country was founded on or is run on, in reality have no real handle on what it takes to run an economy, Government, or society past thier own selfish little gains.
I post larger atrocities that I find elswere in the world that should bring way more concern than that which is already pretty well watched over here, you think any of these same drum beaters even make a passing comment on it...
I haven't seen it, those are the places that need to have activists brow beating and pounding the governing bodies that run it. Not here....
There is alway's exceptions to the rule here before a few of you jump up my a$$ to make a nest. I have seen very very few exceptions to the rule though....

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