Wait times... need some other perspectives


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2016
I'd love some other perspectives on the wait time for a euro mount.

My son shot a pronghorn buck in late September. We got the number of a guy who does euro mounts, from the butcher where we dropped the meat off (this is in Casper, WY). I texted back and forth with the guy and he said to drop the head off at his house, as we were anxious to get out of town and he was busy. We did that, along with the tag. This was September 29th. No money changed hands, he said we'd Venmo him when it was done.

Since then, I've sent two friendly texts to check on the progress and when we might get the skull. One on November 3rd and again on January 17th. Both times I got messages back saying he wasn't sure about timing, but he was getting through them as fast as possible. He'd let me know when it was done. Just as a reference, my brother and his wife shot pronghorns the week after we were there, had a different guy do euros and got their skulls in November.

I guess my question is: should I be worried? Is this normal? It's easy to believe that he gets a ton of skulls in the fall, but this seems like a long time to me. Thoughts?
I don't think its normal. It probably depends on how he does the euro. If he uses beetles, it takes longer and he may not have enough beetles to work the number of skulls he has to process. If he does it the old fashioned way, this is way too long. My taxidermist can get euro heads back in three weeks.

Mounts are a whole different story, shot a buck opening day of archery in Oct 22 and I will likely be July or August getting the mount.
I don't think its normal. It probably depends on how he does the euro. If he uses beetles, it takes longer and he may not have enough beetles to work the number of skulls he has to process. If he does it the old fashioned way, this is way too long. My taxidermist can get euro heads back in three weeks.

Mounts are a whole different story, shot a buck opening day of archery in Oct 22 and I will likely be July or August getting the mount.
Well, I do know that he uses beetles.
Well, I do know that he uses beetles.
in my limited experience six months is not abnormal for dropping off a brain/eye/tongue in head during the height of hunting season. I think the last one I dropped off that was barely cleaned in November I didn’t get back until June. Bugs can only eat so much and prep work takes time in the busy season.

Last time around I went ahead and stripped the skull as bare as I could, dropped it off in January, and had it back in a month. I realize that time to do that wasn’t a luxury you had while traveling to hunt though.
in my limited experience six months is not abnormal for dropping off a brain/eye/tongue in head during the height of hunting season. I think the last one I dropped off that was barely cleaned in November I didn’t get back until June. Bugs can only eat so much and prep work takes time in the busy season.

Last time around I went ahead and stripped the skull as bare as I could, dropped it off in January, and had it back in a month. I realize that time to do that wasn’t a luxury you had while traveling to hunt though.
I'd like to think you're right. The fact that I've gotten patient-sounding responses from him at both texts makes me think he's not ripping me off. And, I would think a guy in Casper could accumulate a lot of skulls over a Fall...
I personally know people that use beetles to do them. I had a guy work for me his beetles could do 2 skulls in a day. His colony was massive. The other guy struggled to get his going. The beetles would die off and lose part of the colony. It takes time or a good amount of money to build a decent colony. I wouldn't worry if he isn't dodging your texts just yet. If it gets to 10 or more months I'd maybe start more frequent messages. But then again I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt maybe life delt him a hand he wasn't ready for and it got delayed.

Best of luck!
Just got my deer back today that I killed in the 2021 Illinois gun season. I’ll never use the guy again. That’s unacceptable.

My deer from fall of 2022 will be done next week. I like the new place.
I have been really happy with the beetles and in my experience it seems to take longer than most folks. The last three I had done took 5-6 months and the one I have going now at a different place will take 8 because he is so busy. Don’t worry
That seems kinda long to me for a euro considering I’ve had several done by multiple different people. But most people that do euros do it as a side gig and have full time jobs so there’s that too. Usually beetle guys want them fresh though for their beetles. I’m guessing he has it frozen though, so maybe that not a big deal.
A six pack and about 5 to 6 hours you can do it yourself. That is after it is skinned.
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