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Virginia Gun Grab

Things may get bad in Virginia very quickly. The governor has threaten to force compliance using the National Guard.....there are many folks (I wish I were going) headed to Virginia for the January 20th. gathering to show solidarity with the citizens of Virginia against this unconstitutional action taken by the Virginia government. memtb
Well that dissolved quickly. Good job to all of the peaceful voters who showed up and got this BS squashed. Thank God the nutjobs stayed out of it

Don 't allow this to fool you there are many more bills that have been introduced. They do seem to be showing some signs of folding but don't trust them they are up to no good and that's a fact. Our gov't is a disgrace at the moment is all I can say. From the governor on down.
Also pray for a safe protest on the 20th I have many friends attending and they are expecting 30-50,000 peop!e there. It has some real potential to get very messy here.
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It'll be political suicide if it passes. A fairly clean sweep in the next election, and I bet it would all get reversed. 91 out of 95 counties have passed sanctuary status which would be interesting between any hypothetical passage of a bill and it's repeal.
I wonder if the populace of 1934, 1968 and 1983 thought it was political suicide and a reversal was certain? Somehow, here we are still......inch by inch, little by little.
Keep after it. No man's life, liberty or property is safe when the legislature is in session.
As the Montana Legislature considers going to annual sessions instead of ninety days every two years, the old proposal has once again come up suggesting they meet two days every ninety years.

The threat of the governor to use the National Guard would not fly as the Posse Comitatus Act prohibits use of military for law enforcement. It's just a bad idea on the face of it anyhow.
I wonder if the populace of 1934, 1968 and 1983 thought it was political suicide and a reversal was certain? Somehow, here we are still......inch by inch, little by little.

No, because those are apples, and we're talking about oranges.
The bottom line on all of the caca de toro, is that you get what you vote for. The liberal left will stop at nothing, until they get their way on gun issues. There are some here that seem willing to have the gun grab thing happen, but real Americans are starting to stand up and say enough is enough. GET OUT AND VOTE! This crap happens when good people don't vote.
No, because those are apples, and we're talking about oranges.

How is this gun control different than the others? It’s not IMO. Gun control then and gun control now infringes on the 2A. Infringement is infringement. Not apples and oranges.
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