Video of DIY Dall Sheep Alaska Hunt

Thanks for that link! I watched all five parts and I have to say that it may have been the best video, bar none, that I've ever watched. It's unreal that they made no mention of all the other people they had to contend with on that hunt. Instead, they went about having a great time and documented the fantastic hunt with no mention other than in their comments to guys on that other website of what went on. Those guys showed what love for the hunt and outdoors is really about! Anybody that reads this thread should take the time to watch every minute of that 5 part video, as it's better than anything you'll see on TV that the "Pros" put out!!!
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I only got to watch the 1st part and it almost seemed like an imfomercial.i'll have to take the time to watch the hunt
mixed bag- the first part only covered their gear and packs. Parts 2-5 focused on the hunting. Very well documented hunt and it was a lot of fun to watch.