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Very disappointing... moved to SI


New member
Dec 2, 2002
Little Rock, Arkansas
Very disappointing...

I looked at this morning and see not one, but two, banner ads for Greenpeace and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The ads are aimed at Kimberly Clark saying that they must stop wiping out ancient forests to make toilet paper. For a news company that bills itself as "fair and balanced" to whore itself out with money from a group with such obvious radical views was really suprising to me. If you're so inclined, you can tell them how you feel at [email protected].
I like toilet paper, and in fact have grown quite accustomed to using it on a daily basis. I'm all for the environment, but no ready to give up wiping my A$$ to save a few trees. O'Reilly and Shep Smith cannot be a part of this.
Great topic for the Elk section. It is obvious that those who watch Fox news are not the brightest if they think only Elk hunters wipe their ass with toilet paper.

But tell us JDE, do you think ancient forests and old growth timber are best used to make toilet paper??? I hope you don't work in the resource management field....
C'mon guys...with the price of clear timber (since we're talking ancient forest here lets assume OG doug and rwood) compared to pulp prices does anyone actually think much would make it into TP?? :rolleyes:

I understand the "message" but it's slanted a little too much at the uninformed for my liking. Hell shredded fir and redwood chips for walk-on (or highway) bark fetch as much or more than pulp chips these days...Granted recycled content should be way up the que but I don't think any outfit that is know for its monocultured quick growth and quick turn tree farms is gonna cut prime clear to use on grandpa's ass crack...
old growth

I'm pretty sure old growth forests are not used or cut by Kimberly Clark to make toilet paper. I'm also pretty sure that elk hunters as well as most folk north of the border use toilet paper. I hope you use toilet paper Jose.
Jose, Sorry to get your undergarments wadded up over this. I put it on the elk forum due to the simple fact that it get the most views. No, I don't think old growth forests are best used for toilet paper and that isn't the reason why I posted this message, but thanks for trying to put words in my mouth. As stated above, I was simply suprised to see Greenpeace show up with banner advertising on and I'm pretty sure that most of the folks that have contributed to the huge popularity of the Fox News Channel do not support the ideas and practices of radical environmental terrorists.
JDE, don't pay any attention to HoseB.. no one else does. He just likes to read his own comments and listen to the sound of his own voice.

I think he's got a good point this time. What's this doing in elk? They say never to shake hands with a guy from India, they use water and their fingers, saves the trees, eh.

Lemme see if I have this straight.....

You get your information from Fox News.

You think a topic on Toilet Paper belongs in the Elk section.

You don't think Fox should take money from Greenpeace.

You think Greenpeace is a "radical environmental organization".

I am guessing here, but I would think you aren't the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. But, as you are from Arkansas, do you get confused at Christmas when your mom signs her gift to you as "your second cousin"?

If anybody should be upset, it would be the Greenpeace donors who would not want to see their $$$$ being spent to buy advertising on Fox.

But explain, why did you selfishly decide that wasting bandwidth in the Elk section for you to advance your personal, ill-informed, un-educated agenda was a good idea?
Jose...keep it up and you're gonna lose your Hunttalk greeter designation. :rolleyes:

Welcome to Htalk JD, don't let Jose discourage you, he's much brighter than he sounds today. :D
Welcome to Htalk JD, don't let Jose discourage you, he's much brighter than he sounds today.

I want to welcome you here also...

As for guner/sybil, I would just let his comments float harmlessly by, there definatly not worth much more effort than that...

and as noharley stated, he should have added most day's, not just today... :eek: :D
I heard that arabs use sand like we use toilet paper. They don't have any trees to save though, I don't think. What do you think we could do to save the trees?

People from India usually use the left hand for wiping and the right hand for eating. Left handed people from India, those are the ones to watch out for when shaking hands, I don't know what they do.

There ought to be a reusable toilet paper, that would save trees, we rinse it with water and reuse it, unless its real guey, then we'd have to have several and wash it.

Kind of like our real cloth diapers for infants, but an adult version, that would save the trees, eh? We could call it the Hunttalk reusable toilet paper. Donate the profits to pay for the forum costs, but us all hunting gear. Can you imagine if all 250 million Americans bought a few of them???
250 million Americans at what? Say 25 sheets per day, that's 6.25 billion sheets of toilet paper per day saved.

That ought to save more than one tree a day, shouldn't it?
Canadian TP... and there is only one way to save the trees :D

That would work. Sportsman for the trees, give up TP. We already leave our TP in the woods with the fertilizer, why take the TP out in the first place, eh?
Caribou Gear

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