Utah LE Early Rifle Bull Hunt

Tuesday morning I packed up my tent and sleeping bag. (I had put most of my camp in the truck Monday night). I met Wayne at his shop and loaded my Igloo 165 full with solidly frozen cut and wrapped packages. Even my bulls cape was a solid frozen block in a banana box. Wayne told me his cooler could freeze two tons of meat in 12 hours. That was well beyond the ability of previous operations I'd dealt with. By 9:30 I was loaded and on the road.

IMG_7680.JPG I got a lot of heads turned and thumbs up from folks as I passed through small towns. Fuel stops had plenty of positive comments. By 5 pm the sun was shining in my eyes and I headed towards a friend's ranch along the Carson river in Western Nevada. for an early night's rest in the bunkhouse. Just as I began drifting off to sleep the other residents of the building decided to have play time....IMG_7682.JPG

I did get to sleep shortly after dark, but rain on the roof woke me at 2:00 am. By 2:30 I was on the road driving through thunderstorms over the Sierras, through Tahoe, and down into the Sacramento Valley. I pulled in the driveway at home at 7:00 am and delivered my daughter to her high school with the antlers sitting high and drawing a crowd of curious teenagers.

It was 9:00 pm before I was done putting away meat in the freezer, delivering the cape to the taxidermist and drying out my tent and gear. All in all a good "Six Days on the Road"
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Beautiful bull. Love the dark horns.

Cannonball launcher is something I need in my life.

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