uploading pictures???


Aug 26, 2012
chester county Pa
I'm having a hard time uploading pics. Every time I try it either says upload has failed or something about a security token. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Tom
Make sure your picture size isn't larger than the site will upload. If I'm uploading directly off my computer I find that the large document size jpegs are the largest I can upload. I just open my pics with the microsoft picture manager and resize it.

I haven't had any problems with security token errors so I can't help you there.
Go to Post #7 at this thread.


As Gerald said, you may have too large of pics. Use one of the picture management programs that come with your computer to reduce them in size.

I use the Google software, Picasa and it is slick. All you have to do is "export" and say what file size you want when you export.

Others use a hosting site, such as Photobucket, from which pics will automatically be loaded to the right size.
My answer is the same as Gerald's. I've never had any problems with this site, unlike several others I could name. What I do use whenever I encounter problems on other sites is tinypics, and select the 640x480 size, then copy and paste the IMG selection(although on some sites the first option has to be used for some reason). Tinypics is free, but since it's linked to photobucket, if you have an account with pb, you won't be able to open an account that will store the pictures on tinypics.
Randy's right: Recheck your file size. I use flickr for a photo hosting site and like it a lot. You can upload large files and then pic a size for posting. Use the image icon to insert the url of the photo you want, rather than uploading the photo to the site.
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