UA Drops Bowmar

So your saying there is an opening on their roster to be paid to hunt?!?!?! Sign me up.
I look at it like this - how is it good business to have someone represent your brand if they are eroding support for the sport in general (and thus threatening your future business) at the same time?

As a hunter, those are not the folks I want to see being held up as the face of my sport. I also wish people would grasp the simple fact that using poor judgement when posting things in the internet has consequences. You wanted attention? You got it.
Antis "You coward, shooting an animal from 400 yards away, why don't you hunt with a spear like our ancestors" .. guy uses spear, "OMG you BASTARD"... nobody ever wins.
Antis "You coward, shooting an animal from 400 yards away, why don't you hunt with a spear like our ancestors" .. guy uses spear, "OMG you BASTARD"... nobody ever wins.

It has a whole lot more to do with the tone of the message than the method of take.
It has a whole lot more to do with the tone of the message than the method of take.

Yes, I do understand that, the way he acted says a whole lot more about him as a person than the actual idea of the spearing itself.
While I don't like the idea of UA dropping a fellow hunter (even if she wasn't the actual hunter), I didn't think the video was a good portrayal of ANY type of hunting and I didn't care for it myself.

I just don't think putting out vids like that does anybody any favors.

Just my .02.
The issue here was the way he reacted. While I belive the animal deserves the respect of having the most accurate and deadly weapon, he chose to up the challenge and did so for an adrenaline rush. Don't get me wrong the rush is a part of it for me too, but his motives weren't in the spirit of fair chase or respect for the animal. He did what he did to get a bigger rush and the way he acted showed it. I support UA decision to drop them. Those exact actions are what makes hunting and outdoor tv such a clown show. There are very very very few shows I respect. As Steven Rinella says we're all in this together, but that doesn't mean support for each other is unconditional. If youre shooting holes in the boat and we're all sinking in the same boat, you can't just keep shooting holes in the boat. This incident didn't help the image of hunting, that's for sure.
The video was a chitshow but don't think for a minute the anti's give two chits for any of us, our ethics, and least of all our grip and grins, "tasteful" or otherwise. The spear dude was decked out head to toe in UA and, IMO, that's what motivated the corporate suits to include the wife as collateral sacrifice.
The video was a chitshow but don't think for a minute the anti's give two chits for any of us, our ethics, and least of all our grip and grins, "tasteful" or otherwise.

IMO, this isn't about the anti-hunters or the pro-hunters, it is the other 70%.
Putting a Go Pro on the spear!?.......Nope! Im glad they dropped him, I wouldn't associate with a "hunter" like that. per the chit show euphemism. Sorry if I'm not as obsequious to anti hunters as you'd like.

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