Types of Hunters


New member
Mar 2, 2001
ID - Boundary County
An interesting study.....maybe out dated but worth reading.....recognize yourself or someone else?


Many wildlife managers feel that Yale professor Dr. Stephen Kellert's
1978 study of U.S. hunters and their attitudes and characteristics
still mostly applies today in North America.

He found three categories of hunters:

- Utilitarian/Meat Hunters (43.8%)
- Nature Hunters (17.7%)
- Dominionistic/Sport Hunters (38.5%)

The dominionistic/sport group is the one that the non- and
anti-hunting public particularly dislike and often use to stereotype
or negatively portray ALL hunters and hunting.


"Hunting to obtain meat was the most frequently cited primary reason,
accounting for 43.8 percent of persons who hunted..." [p.413]

Utilitarian/meat hunters were significantly more likey to have been
raised or presently living in rural, open-country areas. Relatedly,
utilitarian/meat hunters reported much greater experience with raising
animals for either slaughter or nonslaugher purposes, and fathers
employed in farm-related occupations. This hunting group included a
disproportionate number of persons over 65 years of age and
significantly more respondents earning less than $6,000." [p.414]

"Utilitarian/meat hunters appeared to perceive animals largely from
the perspective of their practical usefulness... The utilitarian/meat
hunter viewed hunting as a harvesting activity and wild animals as a
harvestable crop not unlike other renewable natural resources."


"Hunting for the purpose of close contact with nature was the... cited
primary reason for hunting, accounting for some 17.7 percent of those
who hunted... Demographically, nature hunters included significantly
more persons under 30 years of age and far fewer over 65. These age
characteristics may suggest possible trends in motivation for
hunting. Nature hunters were also of higher socioeconomic status, as
indicated by more college-educated respondents and more fathers
employed in professional and business-executive occupations.

Nature hunters reported by far the most adult and childhood wildlife
interest, more backpacking and camping-out experience, and more
birdwatching activity. Importantly, nature hunters had far higher
knowledge-of-animals scale scores particularly in comparison to
dominionistic/sport hunters." [p.414]

[Nature hunters also] "...indicated strong concern and affection for
all animals... [However this affection is] ...somewhat generalized and
not specifically directed at pet animals or manifest in the feeling of
"loving" animals. The desire for an active, participatory role in
nature was perhaps the most significant aspect of the nature hunter's
approach to hunting. The goal was the intense involvement with wild
animals in their natural habitats. Participation as a predator was
valued for the opportunities it provided to regard oneself as an
integral part of nature. The hunt was appreciated for its forcing of
awareness of natural phenomena organized into a coherent,
goal-directed framework." [p. 415]


"Dominionistic/sport hunters constitute 38.5 percent of all those who
hunted... They were significantly more likely to reside in cities,
and to have been in the armed forces. Additionally, they differed from
utilitarian/meat hunters in reporting far less experience raising
animals for a product, and from nature hunters in reporting
significantly less backpacking and birdwatching activities. One
outstanding characteristic was their low scores on the
knowledge-of-animals scale. Interestingly, only anti-hunters, of all
animal activity groups studied, had equally low knowledge scores."

"...It appeared that competition and mastery over animals, in the
context of a sporting contest, were the most salient aspects of the
dominionistic/sport hunter's interest in the hunting activity. This
group did not reveal strong affections for animals." [p.416]

"The hunted animal was valued largely for the opportunities it
provided to engage in a sporting activity involving mastery,
competition, shooting skill and expressions of prowness. ...They were
not items of food but trophies, something to get and display to fellow
hunters. For the dominionistic/sport hunter, hunting was appreciated
more as a human social than as an animal-oriented activity."

Stephen Kellert, "Attitudes and Characteristics of Hunters and
Antihunters" (Transactions of the Forty-third North American Wildlife
and Natural Resources Conference, 1978). pp.412-423.
Kellert did some interesting studies regarding how the population in general views conservation and natural resources issues. It included asking people when it was worth it to save an endangered species, and gave them different scenarios. He asked about all sorts of issues.

Just by reading what is there, I find the classifications to be sophmoric and overly simplified. I see traits from all three classifications in myself, but some motivations that are not listed.

Danr55; studies of this nature often measure a high number of distinct characteristics then "summarize" them in a more broadly defined strata thus losing some of the detail in the process. I would think that in general while the classifications have probably remained fairly constant that the number of hunters wihin each have shifted toward the third class; being the most densly populated. In my own case my hunting "drives" if you will have shifted heavily from the first strata to the second over the years.
Maybe the fact that everyone sees themselves in all three descriptions just means that HuntTalkers are very well-rounded hunters.
I am much more in the second and third categories than the first. There is also the unlisted category of those of us who see this as a chance for friendship, shared activities with friends and family, and a "time away from work and home" vacation. The friendships and the time with my son are of prime importance to me, along with the "experiencing Nature" and the quest for a trophy aspects.
This is a crock of sh!t if you ask me.

I refuse to pigeonhole myself.
Toonces mathematical point on the statistical side of this study would be referred to as a Maverick, or possibly unexplained error! :D Excellent observations Mojave, and Cali!
"unexplained error"...sounds like how my parents described my conception.