PEAX Equipment

two poached bulls

Would love to be in that interview...

Grats to those involved. Hope this IS the person.
I hope the person who turned him in gets the $1k reward and that he pays at least that much in fines (assuming they got the right guy).
We caught a kid once that killed somewhere along the lines of 17 or 20 antelope off our place in one spring. Fwp pulled a bullet and matched it to his rifle. He and his "friends" admitted to it. They were all hunting two years later.

The bitch of it is I got that kid his first bull the season before when he was around 15. So much for playing Mr. Nice Guy.

Poachers are just a bad deal all in all doesn't matter if its a 390 bull or a forky mule deer buck. They should all loose it for their career!
25 plus years as a nonresident to hopefully, possibly, and remotely draw a premium elk tag now and “ someone “ shoots 2 antlered elk for kicks. You gotta be kiddin’ me...

Also, what is Natty Light? Sorry, I am not in the drug scene. Thanks.
Hope he's the one and if so, it's not pled down to peanuts... Then again, its all about the Benjamin's... Jonny Cochran or Joe/Jane Pub Defender.
Following along with the "...if so", Someone with that impulse, I wonder how many others have been poached...
No surprise on this one. I used to rodeo with Cameron and he was a waste of oxygen from the time he turned 16. On a positive note, at least they came down hard on him!
60 days in jail and $9k fine is better than the wrist slaps that most of these poachers get.

ANd no hunting or fishing for 25 years . Actually I think it’s pretty stiff , don’t get me wrong he deserves it and more I’m just surprised they layed the smack down on him but I’m glad
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