Two less in ID...


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2000
...elk eaters that is!

BOY, his father, uncle, and a friend horse packed in weekend before last to give this wolf hunting thing a try. They did pretty good!



Hope him and I have similar "luck" in a few weeks in a different part of the state!
I really like the bottom picture! Congrats to them and good luck to you on your hunt.
This is just pure awesome. I am trying to work out some logistics to do a wolf hunt this year, but being from the east makes options very minimal. Will try and give her a go if things start shaping up!
Thats awesome! That bottom pic is very cool! Just curious how do you go about hunting wolves? Do you set up stands and Predator call like coyotes? Crazy how big they are.

If they weighed them I didn't get that info. My guess is I doubt it.

I know they took some predator calls with them, but not certain if they called them in or not. Still pretty Kick A.. if you ask me.
Envy drooling from the corner of my mouth upon seeing this. Congrats to the hunters. Thanks for posting.
Well, I can't believe you'd...........oh wait, I do remember Peter and the Wolf both the story and the music. It scared hell out of me as a kid and when I read it to my kids. It was a recurring nightmare as a teenager, not sure what that says. Seriously, you done good. I've read those things can kill and eat a large dog in a heartbeat and never make a sound. I guess you'd stake out an elk for bait and then see how many of those nasty thing show up. That's gonna make a cool rug or wall hanging. Too Cool! Keep up the good work!!!