Trying to judge a cat?

Here is a great pick to tell the sex of the cat.

See the black spot?

Congrats TJones! Nice looking cat. That black spot you were talking about?.. It was totally hidden on my cat.
That is awesome! Never heard of an easy cat hunt, especially for a big Tom, but that sure sounds like one. Totally jealous here.
The True Blue Bitterfruit Crew strikes again. (TBBC)

The hat is so hard not to make fun of but...................................ok;)
Congrats Tony.

Hope you guys get two more nice ones.
Randy11, little ss is trigger happy. He hasn't gotten anything yet this season, he is as anxious as the dogs are, and as Tjones was. It's bad enough holding the dogs back, but the tag holders are as itchy as ever.
Come on guys, he has had that hat for like 20 years,,,,its the only piece of clothing or equipment he can NOT lose. :)

Heck I was ready to shoot before we turned out.

I feel sorry for the next cat that gets treed.
I got the upper and lower jaw seperated and cleaned up. Looks like green score of 14 7/8",,,be just short of Boone of 15"....Seems I am always a tad short! :)
Little SS, had to go out-of-state for a few days, so the old guys (SS, and Tjones) went looking for a feline to put up a tree. After, a close call with the biggest of the wild K-9 species, we found this guy. I think I worked pretty hard on trying to figure out, first what "IT" was, then if it was worthy of notching a tag. I think I threw my arm out tossing sticks up at him. Then went to beating the tree with a large stick. (This worked way better). Note to self, remember to take bino's. My eyes and Tjones'es don't configure, so looking through his rifle scope was a effort in futility. At less than 20 yards I think the scope didn't have the clarity anyway. After a little time, I saw what I needed too. It was indeed a Tom, and looked to be at least of average size. I didn't get many pictures because the cold effected my camera battery. Tjones took most of the pictures and has them. He might post a few more.
So now my question for all you hunters wishing to harvest a cat.
Would you?


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