Trying it in the AM...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Going to give it another wirl in the AM with ELKTURD. (Miller, there is still time, Drive over
)Last week it was a Single Green Head. Thats what I ike about hunting, Ya never know whats in store
If nothing else, It will get me out the house in the 36 Deg Rain that we're having !!

Sunday will be Goose day with Gunner, Although The shotgun is probably staying home and I'm going out with just a Cam Corder. I'm about all Goosed out !!!!! Hopefully we'll have some Cool footage to see. (Like Ovis, gunner and Elkturd MISSING
We'll take the Boat out. There will be one still around. That I'll promise.. Whether you can shoot it is another story
Good luck with the hunts. Too bad I couldn't make it over there this year, maybe 2004.

I think you had better take a "just incase" shotgun Sun., you never know.
Since I'm going to have to Buy a tag for Elk/deer anyways over tehre.. I might as well come shoot some ducs with ya

I might break down and Video from the ditch with a Gun... Maybe I can even pull a decoy next to me for fun
BAD BAD shooting.... We should have had A few geese and a few ducks. Only 1 goose and 1 greenhead . AMybe tomorrow will prove otherwise ?
Boat??? Might be needing that to get to Gunner's house tomorrow if this rain keeps up. This is a lot of rain for this area isn't it?

Gotta head to Boise sometime today for shells and Christmas goodies.

See you tomorrow! I have the pass and a sitter.
Washington Hunter, If you can MAke it over by Morning, I got a Pit Blind set up for ya

Ovis is Breaking out and Trying it in the AM, Roumor has it there is a B&C Goose flying in the Area. I'm sure Ovis will show us how it's done in the AM
Tell you what Moosie, if I left now I could be there by 3 a.m. since I happen to know Boise is 8 hours from here. Would that be early enough? Problem is it would take me a couple hours to pack my chit, so I wouldn't be there till 5. But then from what I remember the last time I hunted geese in eastern Wa, they don't fly real early. Is that true there also? At least when we were hunting (in winter wheat) we wouldn't see one goose till 9 a.m. Then all of a sudden there would be hundreds in the sky, of course most of them way high. We didn't do too bad though, we knocked down 27 in 2 days, and some mallards too. It was cool when the mallards started dropping into the dekes, the goose loads were a little heavy for those little ducks, but fun anyway(s)

The real problem is I still have a muzzleloader elk tag, and this is the last weekend. So I'll probably go out in the morning and wander around a bit, and just hope and elk wants to commit suicide by stepping out in front of me. As I'm sure you can tell, I don't have real high hopes, and I'm not going to put a lot of effort into it. I sure do wish I could help you knock down some geese...I hate to see all those flocks getting educated with little to no casualties
Good luck anyway(s)
Wa hunter "and I'm not going to put a lot of effort into it.".. You should be kicked. Always go hunting , And always give it 110%. I do, Unless I'm helping someone else get there animal, Then I give 120% !!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> those flocks getting educated with little to no casualties <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Care to lay some Wager on the mornings hunt

Good luck tomorrow !!! Shoot one for Moosie !!
Whew!!! Good thing Elkgunner was paying attention when I said I have never done anything like this. He asked me if I had a duck stamp and I said..."say what?"

I'm in luck though...Wally world had em. I'll have the truck loaded up before bed time.
Hell, I'd of Loaned ya mine

Sionce you haven't done this before lemme help you out too. Here is a Few things you'll need to bring:

Donuts (Powdered sugar kind that you buy at the Gas station with the Rasberry filling. those are our favorites
and you "ARE" the new guy

STEEL shells, lead tends to work better but F&G like to give out tickets for those kind.
WARM DRY gear. but you've hunted sheep so Why am I wasting your time ?
CAMO from head to toe ....
Just kidding, We will be laying down in a goose mud pit covered in Tarps and wood. Last time T-bone came out he wore "BLUE" camo and it worked well

We're meeting Gunner at his place at 8AM. YOU have your CELL ? I'm meeting those guys at my place at 7:30. Call me around then and We can Follow each other the last 1/2 hour or Even Car pool. (208)571-1ELK is the #. I remember you got a Bit lost last time trying to find his Casa !!! And I wasn't the one giving directions that time.
Where would be a good place to meet you? I was thinking if Krispy Kreme was opened that early I could swing in there and pick up your sugar coated nuts with the red filling...or does it HAVE to be the truck stop donuts? I haven't had Krispy Kreme in years

I'm calling Gunner right now for the directions again...I can't find the old directions, not that they were good ones anyway.
I'm Boycotting that place.. Any one that Stands in line for 4 hours to get some Fuggin Donuts is NUTS!!! And, people do/did that for that place...

Either way...., I can Meet you at the Exit 38 (Nampa) gas station by Mc Donalds on the Right hand side. Get off the Freeway and Take a Left and it's on the Rt hand side. (Garrity Exit at the AUTO MALL). Say around 7:35(ish) ?
So when I last talked to Ovis, I think he was driving straight to the Trailer Park, and we would meet here at the Double Wide, at 8am.

I think this one will be another Cluster....
When did you Upgrade to a Double Wide ? that christmas Bonus must of paid good at Wally world ?

sounds good, I'm guessing he'll get there earlier then us. I'm guessing you two wanted to make me breakfast ? I like Bacon.. Bacon and a Chocolate Shake. PS< ElkTurd can't make it. So thats 3 less Geese we need to shot

I'll call you when I am on the road too. Keep your phone on yah! I may meet up with you or just keep trucking on to the double-wide.

I about lost my mind trying to find my dang license. The wife found it...I knew I kept her around for something. I put that sticker on the back of my license...hope that was right.

So, can I shoot these things when they are on the ground, or do they have to be flying?

See you guys in the a.m. The wife calls!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-13-2003 23:08: Message edited by: Ovis ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> See you guys in the a.m. The wife calls! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> he makes it sound like he's getting "LUCKY". I think he needs to do the Housewrork before he leaves

I always have my phone Ovis. Call it 24/7. If I answer it I'm up, If I'm sleeping it's off and Leave a message. Duck/goose hunting nights I always leave it on, Incase I sleep in

See ya in the AM. I don't have your # here, so If you want to talk, you'll need to do the calling.

Get some Sleep, And you missed a Spot on the Kitchen floor, Get the mop out again

PS< Gunner likes to wait untill the Geese land, We always start shooting when they get within 1/4 mile of the blind !!!!
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