There are some things that you just don't believe till you experience it and some that you don't know about till it's happened, so, lets hear those things you've learned while hunting deer. I'll start.
Deer will second guess there eyes, but never their nose.
Brown hide makes excellent camoflague... Sometimes you don't see it till it's through the grate of your tree stand.
Even if you check for deer before you get out of your stand, do it again. I've spooked many a deer within bow range getting out of my stand a couple minutes too early because I didn't look well enough. Those white flags sure do give them away when scared.
It's always good to have a round in the chamber before firing a shot.
Rabbits sure do sound like deer in the leaves, dont they!
Stay warm and you can better stay still.
If bowhunting be sure to have the clothing tight on your forearm so the string doesn't hit it.
I'm sure I'll come up with more as the season progresses. Well, what mistakes have you made while deer hunting that we can hopefully learn from?
Deer will second guess there eyes, but never their nose.
Brown hide makes excellent camoflague... Sometimes you don't see it till it's through the grate of your tree stand.
Even if you check for deer before you get out of your stand, do it again. I've spooked many a deer within bow range getting out of my stand a couple minutes too early because I didn't look well enough. Those white flags sure do give them away when scared.
It's always good to have a round in the chamber before firing a shot.
Rabbits sure do sound like deer in the leaves, dont they!
Stay warm and you can better stay still.
If bowhunting be sure to have the clothing tight on your forearm so the string doesn't hit it.
I'm sure I'll come up with more as the season progresses. Well, what mistakes have you made while deer hunting that we can hopefully learn from?