
Ya, works pretty good. Seems to work better when i'm saying still,in a blind, tree, or fishing. Won't turkey hunt in the spring without it. The wife sets it on the back deck in the evenings when we are sitting out .
I'm not sure what you're referring too as a Therma cell but I've seen that writing on something my wife has. It was our first hunt together (been married 2 weeks) she gets up to elk camp with my dad and brother and pulls out this butane curling iron for her hair. I was off chasing a bull but I guess my dad starting razing her about it. She brushed him off but eventually he was using it as a hand warmer:D We still laugh about that trip. I love my wife and it was fun to have a looker in camp.
Sorry if this isn't what you're referring too but it did say Thermacell.
L.B . My bad just assumed they were asking about the repellent . I will leave the hair styling advice to Colorado Buck:
I love my Thermacell. I am a living, breathing, walking, sitting mosquito attractant. I normally spend my summer soaked in some sort of 100% DEET spray. The Thermacell works great.

I know what the next question will be: do deer smell it? Well, of course they smell it. YOU can smell it, so how can they not? The question is whether or not it bothers them. Supposedly it does not. Either way, I'll take my chances, because there is NO way in hell I'm sitting out there in Minnesota without it. At least until the first hard frost.

It`s worth it`s weight in gold! We hunt in some areas where the skeeters will carry you away and I will not leave the house without it in warm weather. The only the I will say is to try not breathing the fumes too long. I have put it in my lap or real close to me and breath fumes for a while and I`ll have a bad headache for the rest of the day.
I use the earth scent wafers in the fall and have had bucks come in from down wind. I think you have a much better chance at being busted by swatting at skeeters then the smell. It works great in a blind or I hang it (I have the cover for it) from the base of the stand. Never have to worry about skeeters.
I own 4 of them worth every penny have one for me and for hunting buddies and keep one on the deck
I own 3 and won't hunt with out them. I live in south Florida and the mosquitos here are unbelievable. It was recommended about 8 years ago to me and I have carried at least one every since. They even help with Black Flies up north.
Caribou Gear

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