The YETTI got this one right in the ASS!

The Hedgehog

Well-known member
Dec 19, 2000
But at least it went down quickly with only a soft groan or two!

Wow! brow tines on the right?......good mass!..makes me want to go elk hunting!

Congrats Yetti...
Nice elk! I saw one in New Mexico last November with 7 points on one side and only 3 on the other - he'd broken them off fighting. I blew the stalk on him.
The wind changed and he was gone.

Congratulations again on a nice bull!
some of you dont realize this is a joke. FGH's head was cropped out and relaced with something greenhorns probably banging on the side..
I'm not going to Say who did the Editing... But I have 3 versions of that picture on my 'puter

I don't know any history behind it... But If I was to "GUESS" I'd say our Famous Yeti went to a bar and Hooked up with someone and Got "LUCKY" in some sort of position that is related to the Topic Title...

BUT, Like I said, This is the first time I've seen this picture and I don't know ANYTHING !!!!!
Some animals deserve respect and a shot to the ass isn't very respectful for most.

Not only did the Yetti shot this one in the ass, he never had the courtesy to say "Thank you!" But at least he never took 10 dollars.

I'm telling you, hide your wives, daughters, sisters, and any vulnerable pets when the Yetti is in town. NOTHING is safe.
Are you saying he will shoot them in the ass or sodomise them? Need to know as i may meet him since he is back here in wisconsin.