The truth about the dams

AprilW said:
Aren't these things already there? Do you think breaching the dams would create more revenue from the fishing industry or just create a different source of revenue from the fishing industry. You have to keep in mind the businesses that may not be in existance if the dams are gone.

April, yes those things are already there, but if the salmon runs keep declining, there will be even less of those things; if the salmon numbers rebound, there will a lot more fisherman to bring money into those communities and more businesses will start up along the river. Springer season was pretty much eliminated this year due to lack of fish and I'm sure that affected the communities along the river that rely on the fishing industry.

The businesses that may not be in existence if the dams are gone are going to be the ones that rely on the river for shipping of goods. They will have to utilize trucking and rail more than they currently do. The rail lines can be modified to add additional tracks for the increase in train traffic. Besides, shipping can still occur without the dams.

The bottom line is, why should we let the Snake River salmon go extinct if there are solutions (breaching) that we can do to help the salmon? The economic reasons to keep the dams don't fly.

The only reason in my mind to keep the dams is environmental; if breaching the dams realeased so much silt to cause more harm to the river system, then the dams should not be breached.
Thats a very good point and statement Curly

I think the biggest issue with some of the people that want it gone is that they don't want to see any thing man made any where, even with a growing population, they want to be the last one to move into an area and every one else needs to follow suit to their wishes... ;)

Different debate for another thread though.... :)
cheese- I'm glad the trickle down theory was finally "realized" as you put it. Ask all the families ENRON affected and they will surely be able to tell you of trickle down. If you want a lot of information on the subject, Ronald Reagan's budget director had a lot to say about it! None of it is good. Read my post, I can either take your word for it or.........Ronald Reagan's budget director. Hmmmmm, wonder who I should trust in economic matters. I realize your nondegree in economics from the school of dipshits of America holds a lot of water but maybe this time I will go with a person instrumental in this economic policy! (Only this time though cheese, maybe next time I will follow your thoughts). ;)
HAHAHA Mutz....

You always have to stretch just a little farther and spread it all out so you can find some way to wiggle out of the problem at hand... :rolleyes:

Maybe you should be a politician. ;)

You rambled all over the place on that and didn't make any sense, maybe you shouldn't be so pissed when you write some thing :D

Then maybe you could put your thoughts into a coherent line that would be a little easier to follow...

Come on now Mutz...

You were doing better when you were trying to be nice, at least you could be understood in your overall intent. :)

Or is it that there is too much truth in my post for you to handle all in one reading?

Instead of the goofy personal attacks, try posting some thing contrary to what I or others have posted, you will hold more weight with others in your arguments and you won't look so foolish (just a little advise)... :)

Oh yea...

Show me your econ grade and I'll show you mine... :eek: :D:D:D

I've never read Stockman's book. Maybe I should to see how acurate it truely is now with the passing of time. There are a lot of economic philosophies out there. Some give Reagan's tax rate cuts in the 80's as the reason for the strong economy in the 90's particularly in the tech field. It takes a number of years for the increased investment to pay dividends in growth in employment and the economy. Some give all the credit to Clinton. Let me guess which camp you belong to.

At any rate you seem to believe that capitalists are the only ones capable of being greedy. Was Sadam greedy? Is a 70% top end tax bracket greedy? Does it promote or hinder investment? Does the Solviet philosophy of I'll pretend to work if you pretend to pay me work better?

Matt you never answered my question in reguards to the "buy the dams" initiative in Montana's 2002 election. Where you in favor of it or not and why? It will give me some insight to understanding where your economic philosophies come from. Thanks in advance.
BHR- There are a few interesting articles to read on the internet. The fact David Stockman came out against Supply Side economics/ trickle down theory is of major importance. (Also, if you look at who started supply side economics you may be suprised it was a democrat, John F. Kennedy). This link is .



If you need more reading, there is a ton on the internet by leading economists. I have yet to find many that see "trickle-down" as a great theory...Maybe your research could point me in that direction.

If John Kennedy where around today he would no doubt be a Conservative Republican, not a Democrat. Just points out how we have changed as a Nation in 40 years.

You never answered my question about the dam inititive. Any comments in reguards to social security?
Just points out how we have changed as a Nation in 40 years.

LMAO this is really the crux of this whole (and other issues) issue.
People still look at what either of the parties was 40 years ago and still judge past ancient actions on what they think either party is for today...

These parties have so far removed themselves from "conservative" "liberal" definitions of their past that they don't look any thing today like they did in the past...


You wanted the break down of how trickle down works, and I was sort of lead to believe you wanted it in my words....

Now let’s see what your answers are, and no worn out diatribe that is just old hashing of the same dead drum.

Got any thing new???

I should add a little, use your own words and head; don't follow along with the marching orders coming from the DNC... ;)

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