The Trenches


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2017
get ready @wllm

the baby came early two weeks ago. perfectly healthy and happy. these first two weeks have been just as hellish as people make it seem. except for the fact that nobody really ever levels with you and let's you know how brutal it really is.... so, actually, it's been worse than they make it seem. when you really ask them to level with you they finally look off thinking for a few seconds and say "honestly i can't even remember"

i'm back at work today, from home, so really not back.

it turned into an urgent c section, not quite emergency, but definitely urgent. nobody ever really levels with you on how brutal those are for the woman too. and frankly, how brutal for the man (i'm not trying to say it's worse for the man, calm down). i was functionally the only adult in the house for like 5-6 days. a bedridden wife who can't use the stairs or get out of bed without help, a newborn, and a dog.

slowly climbing out of the trenches, wife is turning the corner fast. having grandmothers within spitting distance is a life saver. crazy stuff. great, crazy stuff.

wife is planning to let me hit up my wyoming cow tag for a weekend here in a couple weeks, will go back and really focus on that in december. will be out for 3rd season with a cow tag, bull tag, doe tag, and buck tag. kinda had to put all the eggs in one basket with the reduced hunting time. she's amazing.

holy shit i'm tired.
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get ready @wllm

the baby came early two weeks ago. perfectly healthy and happy. these first two weeks have been just as hellish as people make it seem. except for the fact that nobody really ever levels with you and let's you know how brutal it really is.... so, actually, it's been worse than they make it seem. when you really ask them to level with you they finally look off thinking for a few seconds and say "honestly i can't even remember"

i'm back at work today, from home, so really not back.

it turned into an urgent c section, not quite emergency, but definitely urgent. nobody ever really levels with you on how brutal those are for the woman too. and frankly, how brutal for the man (i'm not trying to say it's worse for the man, calm down). i was functionally the only adult in the house for like 5-6 days. a bedridden wife who can't use the stairs or get out of bed without help, a newborn, and a dog.

slowly climbing out of the trenches, wife is turning the corner fast. having grandmothers within spitting distance is a life saver. crazy stuff. great, crazy stuff.

wife is planning to let me hit up my wyoming cow tag for a weekend here in a couple weeks, will go back and really focus on that in december. will be out for 3rd season with a cow tag, bull tag, doe tag, and buck tag. kinda had to put all the eggs in one basket with the reduced hunting time. she's amazing.

holy shit i'm tired.
Congrats by the way!!!
yes, and it won't be the last. i'm already beyond terrified don't worry ;)

The drama/horror/exhaustion levels for the 2nd, 3rd, etc. children often typically experience an accelerating decay rate (unless you're a high-maintenance weirdo!). For example, when the first toddler falls down and bumps their head the air is sucked out of the entire room as both parents move heaven and earth to cure all potential ills, and yesterday when my 3rd daughter (age 5) crashed off the scooter and onto her face, my level of concern rose to "you're not bleeding (much), why don't you go grab yourself an ice pack from the freezer".

Oh yeah, congrats!
This is your fist one, right? Aren't you just adorable... :ROFLMAO:

One is a big change. Two makes one seem like a cakewalk, and as to three, as they say, "Imagine treading water in a shark-infested sea with two children, one under each arm.You're nose is above water but not much else. Then someone hands you a baby."

We talk of shifting baseline syndrome in the world of conservation and hunting, but it exists elsewhere.

Congrats Togie! It's the time of your life.
Other than having people who feel obligated to take care of you when you get old the whole experience sounds awful for everyone involved.

let's be honest, it is awful for everyone involved. except for the grandparents. for them it's like having a roommate in college with a really cool dog. you get to the enjoy the fun of the dog and play with the dog, but they're on the hook for taking care of it and paying for it.

the first two weeks is just a lot of time spent questioning things and your mind going to bad places because frankly, you're border line delusional and psychotic from literally not sleeping for multiple days on end, only to get 2 hours as your "catch up sleep" after like 3 days.

it is awful. just is.

but you start picturing that little guy catching his first fish, taking him backpacking for the first time to the same place my dad took me for the first time, throwing the ball for the dog for the first time as a toddler, smiling at you... so many different things, it all starts seeming a good bit different.
Congrats. Welcome to the sleepless nights club.

My best friend who is about as dry as anyone had a hell of a punch line.

Dead face blank stare, "well your life is over" no congrats or anything, you should've seen the reactions from the wives.

Pre teen shit is pretty fun..... makes me miss the teething process.

but you start picturing that little guy catching his first fish, taking him backpacking for the first time to the same place my dad took me for the first time, throwing the ball for the dog for the first time as a toddler, smiling at you... so many different things, it all starts seeming a good bit different.
I always picture myself working 50-60hrs a week to pay for him to go to ski lessons that he’s too cool for.
Stealing beer out of the fridge.
Chasing thots.
Drunk driving with them in the car on my insurance...
Putting m-80’s in people’s mail boxes
Works bombs
Jeezamo! You make it sound so awful. We had three. It wasn’t too bad. Maybe I just don’t remember. 😆
COngrats! As I write this my 15 month is crying in my lap for no apparent reason. My wife had an urgent C-section as well and that adds a whole new element. Honestly, the first few weeks/months are pretty rough but once they start getting a full nights sleep it is a bit easier. Having family around can be a big help. Everyone will tell you things get easier, but they really don't, they just change.

It is funny how everyone tells you having a baby is the greatest thing, and it is, but no one tells you just how difficult it is and how much it will change your life. I guess if they really did that then no one would actually have kids. Now the cool kids are just becoming "dog parents" cause it is just as rewarding and just as difficult. I think it is lame.
My BILs take on kids almost word for word lol

We (my wife and I) have talked about how we are going to have very different experiences/struggles than they do... like sure if you've worked a 9-5 for most of your life up to this point sleep is the issue... but like my wife has been doing 36 hour (no sleep) shifts on and off for 3 years + flipping between day and night shifts constantly. At this point I don't think you can "hurt" us with sleep.

Now, trying to figure out childcare when the one who needs to nurse also works 80+ hours a week...

Anyway, congrats buddy, glad you wife is doing well and both her and the baby are healthy :)

good reminder for me to write my reps again about how the medical industry needs to rewrite standards on shift work and sleep ;)

the inefficacy of the mind and body when that sleep deprived is truly horrifying. my wife would ask me to get something for her and I would say "sure thing babe" then immediately walk literally three steps towards the bedroom door, stop, stand there for a few seconds, turn around and ask her "what did you need, again?"

you shoulda seen the dog, first three nights she was trying to keep up with us cause she sleeps in our bedroom, i've never seen a more haggard dog during the day. night four she officially bailed and slept downstairs for the first time ever.
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