The Storms of Life

Man that stinks that is a tough shot I suppose at such steep angles and it's out there. Tomorrow is another day I doubt he is going far from the ladies.
Shit happens. I can imagine how haunting it must be, but like others have said, check that rifle and get back after it tomorrow. You got this.
It would suck to be stuck with gear you are sponsored by. I’ve heard this story too many times and witnessed it as well. Get that thing back on and get to it!! #leupold
Operator error. Just got to lower ground. 165 yards. Small rock on a hillside. Almost level shot angle. Made sure it was a very steady shooting position. Both were perfect.

Obviously I did something wrong in my setup, execution, or follow through. Now I'm sure I'll puke.
Been there, done that. Happens sooner or later to all of us.

How much did they spook? Think they will be close tomorrow?
Operator error. Just got to lower ground. 165 yards. Small rock on a hillside. Almost level shot angle. Made sure it was a very steady shooting position. Both were perfect.

Obviously I did something wrong in my setup, execution, or follow through. Now I'm sure I'll puke.
Crap happens. Let's just say you were letting him know that you were in town. ;) Shake it off, calm down, and do it tomorrow. You got this! (y)
If there is some good news, we relocated him about an hour after the miss. Just acting like a billy in November. Another tough shot at 420. If I couldn't deliver at 340, I surely wasn't trying again without checking my zero.

We left him and some nannies in hopes they don't push out of here and we get another chance tomorrow.
Warning: unsolicited mountain shooting advice

Do you have a bubble level on your scope? I bet your rifle was canted. It really hit home for me once. I set up on a nice bull tahr at 525 yards at a 30 degree uphill angle. Dialed for the drop and wind. My last check before pulling the trigger was checking my scope level and the bubble was pegged all the way to one side, probably 15 degrees off! I leveled the bubble and the crosshairs looked so far off I thought the scope was broken. I stood up, walked behind the gun; yes it was level, my brain just was so confused by the terrain that it couldn't sort out what level was at the moment. I laid back down, trusted the bubble level, and drilled the bull. I absolutely would have missed if I didn't have the level on my scope.

You will get that billy. He will not leave hot nannies for any reason.

Thank you so much for bringing us along for the ride.

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