The OYOA Whiteboard

Wolf hunt taking the place of waterfowl...I'm good with that, but I'd still like to see a waterfowl hunt, they're not always nothing but greenheads from a box blind.
The whiteboard is updated following the AZ draw. Now I just need to fill in hunt #10. A sheep hunt would be great. Or moose. Or goat.

I think hunt #10 is going to be an Idaho deer hunt. Either a controlled hunt, or OTC general tag.

And if I draw WY or NV deer, then MT or KS deer will probably come off the board. Or, we film them all and use some of them for next season.

Not sure what I will do if NM, UT, or WY pronghorn come up. Probably film them for the DVD idea.

Probably no more updates until late April when Utah draws, and if past history is any indicator, no need for changes after the UT draw.

I think it is time for a update. Doesn't everybody else think so?
I think it is time for a update. Doesn't everybody else think so?

Well, after a roaring start in WY and AZ, the wheels came to a grinding hault in UT. No love for me, or any of the OYOA team there.

We hit NV hard. Had me, two uncles, NV Longbow, Jereep, and a few others apply for everything that is allowed. We did luck out and Jereep got a late season bull elk tag. I haven't asked if he wants it filmed, and given those dates coincide with a scheduled CO elk hunt, not sure we could film it if he allowed us to impose.

So, I need at least one more hunt, preferably two. Best odds are NM archery antelope or elk. For my third choices on both of those, I put in for some gimme's.

WY deer I have max points, so a chance exists there. WY pronghorn I always put a second choice this is almost a guarantee, so I hope to have that one.

AZ sheep is pretty much a slam dunk, right? Or if not, at least MT bighorn.

Good thing I did the Kansas deer in a unit that has left overs. That is always a great option to make sure I have a tag.

For some reason, I doubt ID is spreading any tags my way, even though I am in for deer/elk/antelope.

So, here is the board as it currently stands. Some hunts overlap and some of the fall back options overlap with ones we have already drawn. Anything in black is what I am waiting on.


It will be pretty close to complete by the time NM and ID release next month.
Your year is starting to get aligned.

Mt-bighorn? Yeah, it is a gimme. I'm on my 30 or 31st year. I think I will need a walker by the time I draw.
Big Fin

I would be really interested in the $1500 elk hunt idea!!! I am from Missouri and am looking at doing a DIY elk hunt in Colorado in 2013, and would love to get some insight on this from you. Has this idea gone any where yet.
I've got an idea, do a show on how you keep your wife happy enough for her to let you hunt that much!
I've got an idea, do a show on how you keep your wife happy enough for her to let you hunt that much!

I think they have already done that show. It is called Vegas. ;)

She just got home from a week in Vegas. She gets two of those trips a year. I don't ask questions and I don't ask about budgets. A closed mouth gathers no foot. I encourage her to take those trips right near the time we finalize the schedule for the fall, so when she sees it, there is still some remainder value to her most recent Vegas trip. She got home today, schedule will be finalized tomorrow.

Also, when we built our new house in 2004, she was given 15% of the budget for furnishings. In exchange, I was given a large hunting budget and calendar. So far, so good.

Expensive, but worth every penny of it. And, way cheaper than if she divorced me. :D
Lawnboy. It does work but I also have to throw in a new pickup forint every three years. Dam those are getting to be more expensive too.
idaho has a second draw for unclaimed tags starting augest 5th,,anybody out there have any info on how they do it? do not see a list of hunts or other info on the idaho g&f site?
idaho has a second draw for unclaimed tags starting augest 5th,,anybody out there have any info on how they do it? do not see a list of hunts or other info on the idaho g&f site?

You have until August 1st to buy your tags, so until that deadline passes F&G won't know how many tags there will be available for the second drawing.
Whe I draw my Blue Mountain Muzzle Loader Quality Elk hunt You and I should talk about fliming it
Caribou Gear

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